My two oldest kids started school today, going for a half day. Tomorrow, they’ll start full days. I now officially have a second grader and a first grader. Say WHAT?!
(the preschooler doesn’t start for another two weeks)
There were tears from both girls…the four year old that got left behind, and the six year old that would rather not ever start first grade, thankyouverymuch.
The seven year old second grader immediately found his best friend and left me in the dust (a stark contrast to the last two clingy years).
I have a feeling that this is going to be a good year….once we have some time to adjust again.
Sarah at The Sunday Spill and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!

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Your kids are so cute! We only start after labour day – and my youngest is going into grade 3, and our oldest in grade 10. Makes me nauseous really. Times flies!
Thank you, Leah! It makes me nauseaous, too. Time really does zoom by.
We still have a week and a half before school starts but then change is coming… my baby, my last born, is starting pre-k and if all goes well, I'll be back to teaching preschool. I'm trying to enjoy these last days and get the most out of them despite all the preparations we have to do before school starts. Love the pics of your two. Hope they have a great school year.
I hope you've enjoyed the last week! When my "baby" goes to school….ugh. I don't even want to think about it!
I'm sure it will be great. Those are both such fun years still. You know, before too much homework, etc. They are so cute!
I think they're really starting to have fun! Now, the homework is another story, and they've barely had any so far. Thanks, Elaine!
Poor love. Why did she not want to start 1st grade? His shirt is adorable.
She didn't want to start kindergarten last year, either. She just gets nervous and worried and then sees that it really is fun and her friends really are all there when she goes. And that's one of four (?) Minecraft shirts that we got at Target for Henry.
Such cute back to school pictures! We're a week into school now…loving having our routines again
The routine IS nice. But, it takes me a while to get used to waking up so early again. If school could start at, say, 10 am, that'd be great.
I have another 4 days more to go….dreading it.
I hope it went well!!
They look so cute! Love their outfits and her hair and his sweet R2 lunchbox!
Thank you, Katie! There was a lot of discussion about those outfits, as you well know.
We go back the first week in September – starting to get ready now. I have a feeling my boy will be as excited as yours. Best of luck settling in over the next few days.
It's a good feeling when they finally go without hesitation, isn't it? I want to feel needed, of course, but when they don't want you to leave them there, at school, by themselves? UGH. Heart. Broken.
My homeschooled kids are starting to do review week while my one public goes back the day after labor day. So weird to me because in AZ they're already back in school.
We got out the third week in May, so we're one of the first to go back in August, I guess. It is weird, but it's also kind of nice sometimes. I hope you're enjoying the last bit of summer!
Everyone is starting so early! But then again, we didn't get off until July 5th. We don't start until September.
(cute kids)
Oh, gosh! July seems so late. We were already halfway through summer by then! Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation, Jennie!!
I'm getting nervous about this year. It means one more and my daughter will be in school too.
Enjoy this year, then! It does change a lot when they go to school. But, it's also a slow transition (at least for us) and it's SO much fun to see them learn each day.
Mine have been back for 2 weeks. I love his lunchbox.
Wow, they went early! Thanks, he loves it too.
Oh shush, they can't be that big already!!
(i know. it can't be true.)
I love that these pictures are in front of a tree – I can picture how much taller they'll grow through the years. Happy school year!
Isn't it great? I should compare them to the last two years….there's probably already a big difference!
So cute – we go back after Labor Day – and I'm honestly ready now. lol
Ha! I don't blame you. At all.
Totally jealous of that tree! I live in the suburbs, nothing is that old.
We have a bunch of great trees in our yard! Some have been hit by a storm, get a giant limb chopped off, and keep right on truckin.
Aw, why doesn't she want to start? That's a big fear of mine. But they look so cute!
She just gets nervous, pretty much all summer. She was so worked up about her kindergarten shots when she started preschool (I know…Henry had just gotten his) that I took her in December to get them over with so she could stop worrying already!
And then she finally goes and loves it.
I can't believe they start so early! My son starts junior kindergarten in a month, right right after he turns 4. He's so excited!
Oh, he's going to have so much fun!
Adorable pictures, I hope you are all have an school year!!
Thanks, Tonya! I think it's going to be great!
Love the pics! Glad to hear the oldest is adjusting so well. Poor sisters, miss each other though
So sweet. Remind them of that when they are in high school
They do, but Essie has gotten used to the big two being gone again. Now she gets to boss around her little brother all day long.
I'm sorry I'm late! Ugh… trying to keep up. Your babies look adorable. I thought I was ready for my youngest to go to Kindergarten but maybe now. lol
It's so hard! I don't know that I'll ever get used to it.
[…] this post up with the fab Greta from Gfunkified and the lovely Sarah from Sunday Spill to share my favorite phone photos from the week. […]
So so cute!!! Love the first day of school pics!
Thanks, Amy! I enjoy seeing everybody else's, too!
[…] big day was drawing near. It had been six long days since her big brother and sister started school, and the preschool open house had finally […]
They are tooooo cute. I love how they really pose for the pictures, and the R2D2 lunchbox is the best!
Haha, they've learned that if they don't at least stand nicely, I will make them stand a lot longer.