Road Trips Aren’t For Sissies.

The Mama Kat’s World Famous Writing Workshop prompt this week that I chose was sort of a cheat…”Share a memorable road trip story!”I have a memorable road trip story, that’s for sure. I still talk about it A LOT. It’s the reason my kids can’t be in the car for […]

By |June 9th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy, jewelry show, writing prompt|Comments (0)

Six Word Memoir

I decided (late) to take part in Mama Kat’s Workshop again, because one of the prompts was “Six Word Memoir: Write about a significant time in your life in just six words”. I figured I could manage that.There have been several significant moments in my life, and it’s hard to […]

By |June 3rd, 2011|writing prompt|Comments Off on Six Word Memoir

Top 10 Summer Don’ts

This is my first time doing a prompt from Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop. I hope I do it justice!One of the prompts was “Your Top 10 Summer Don’ts”, so here are mine.10. DON’T go anywhere at dusk without dousing yourself with bug spray. This is Kansas, people, and the mosquitoes […]

By |May 26th, 2011|summer, writing prompt|Comments Off on Top 10 Summer Don’ts