Project 365 (Week 7)

Feb. 10

We finally made it to church, because it was Secret Valentine day and the kids met their Secret Valentine. I took this picture as we were walking in (Henry was holding my hand, of course). I love everything about it.

Feb. 11

Sick day for the girls. Turns out, Ivy wasn’t […]

By |February 17th, 2013|Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy, project 365, valentine's day|Comments (20)

This is Me, Now.

I had no idea what to get my husband for Valentine’s Day, until I saw a Facebook post from a local photographer that has taken our family pictures before, back when the three year old was just a babe. She was doing headshots, just for one weekend before the holiday. […]

By |February 14th, 2013|valentine's day|Comments (68)

Project 365 (Week 6)

It’s the first full week of a February, and I’m still firmly planted in January, if not 2012.

Feb. 3

Hey, let me open this week with a lovely picture of myself after running at the track. That’ll be….lovely. (Can we say “only took one picture?!”) Oh look, there’s my gigantic forehead […]

By |February 9th, 2013|Ervin, Essie, getting fit, Henry, ivy, project 365, valentine's day, winter|Comments (19)

Project 365, Week 7

Holy cow. Week 7 already?!It’s been pretty eventful.Feb. 12Sunday was Secret Valentine day at church, where the kids meet the person who’s been sending them Valentines for a couple of weeks. We went out to lunch afterwards (I have to put two pictures here, since all the kids won’t fit […]

By |February 18th, 2012|gluten free, milestones, project 365, valentine's day|Comments (0)

My Beloved Adoria Valentine’s Day Giveaway!

You might remember back in December when I won a giveaway? It was for these gorgeous origami flower ornaments from My Beloved Adoria. I LOVE THEM. I kind of want to get another tree next Christmas just so I can fill it with more of those beautiful flowers. They’re well made, […]

By |January 18th, 2012|giveaway, valentine's day|Comments Off on My Beloved Adoria Valentine’s Day Giveaway!