We’ve Only Just Begun.

Four years ago, on Nov. 1, 2008, I waited anxiously to walk down the aisle. I had gotten my hair, makeup and nails down in a shop in downtown Las Vegas with my very soon-to-be mother-in-law.

My roses were red, matching my shoes, and his tie.

The ceremony, short. The pictures, longer. […]

By |October 31st, 2012|marriage, memories, Tyson, wedding|Comments (22)

Heat #iPPP

His cries jerk me awake, and I’m startled. I bring him in close, but he doesn’t latch on.Throwing his body back, he wails and pushes away from me. I try my best to soothe him, keep him from waking everyone else, but he doesn’t calm down.I stand up, hugging him […]

By |November 9th, 2011|birthday, Ervin, motherhood is hard, Tyson|Comments Off on Heat #iPPP

Dear Henry,

Today, you’re six.Another year has come and gone, much too fast. But you’re the oldest of FOUR (!) and we treat you as such. Sometimes you resent it, and sometimes you soak it up.You light up a room with your excitement and huge, friendly smile (and let’s not forget those […]

By |October 14th, 2011|birthday, fall is coming, Henry, kindergarten, milestones, Tyson|Comments Off on Dear Henry,


In my last post, I mentioned Cancun. If you live in Kansas or the midwest or have a TV, you probably know that there was a “blizzard” last week, aka “snowmaggedon”. If you know T. and I, you know that we’ve been planning our last-ditch, still-a-family-of-five, kids-free, better-late-than-never honeymoon for […]

By |February 7th, 2011|pregnancy, Tyson, vacation|Comments (0)

Fall Is My Time Of Year

I love fall. It’s my favorite time of the year, and it always seems so short. This year, though, is it possible that we might actually get two month’s worth–September and October?? It’s my favorite time of year because it’s time to go shopping for a new season’s worth of […]

By |September 13th, 2010|Essie, Henry, ivy, Tyson|Comments (4)