Memorial Day (Mini) Road Trippin’

I’ve said it before (many times)….my kids get car sick. On any given trip, at least one will throw up. My oldest has grown out of most of it, but he still occasionally blows chunks. The two year old? It’s a regular occurrence for her.

I’ve found that one hour seems […]

By |May 30th, 2012|gluten free, review, summer, Summer Bucket List, travel|Comments (25)

Great Expectations: The Three Under

I can’t remember exactly when or how I met Farrah, but I knew that I would relate to her. She’s got twin toddlers (I don’t, of course), but she’s also got a preschooler. That’s three boys, three and under. Oh yes. That’s what she writes about in her blog, The […]

By |May 21st, 2012|Great Expectations, travel, Uncategorized|Comments (9)