Through the Lens Thursday: Stars and Celebration (THE END)

As I write this, it’s 11pm on Dec. 31, 2015. I’m not sorry to see December go, and it’s very existence has clouded my view of 2015 as a whole, so I don’t even know how I feel about the incoming new year right now. I do know that […]

By |December 31st, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments (3)

Through the Lens Thursday: Alive

You never feel more alive than when you’re watching an elementary school Christmas program about Santa and his reindeer going back in time and meeting the dinosaurs. Am I right? Through The Lens Thursday is a self-improvement photography project that I’m doing again this year. Next […]

By |December 17th, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments (3)

Through the Lens Thursday: Packed

  During our family photo shoot, one of these kids was packed with attitude. Through The Lens Thursday is a self-improvement photography project that I’m doing again this year. Next week’s prompt is ALIVE.

By |December 11th, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments (2)

Through the Lens Thursday: View

We had a four day weekend for Thanksgiving last week, and this was our view for three of the four days, basically. We had a lot of family time, and some of it was quality. Thanksgiving didn’t quite go as planned, and Friday…well, Friday I had a lot of […]

By |December 3rd, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments (2)

Through the Lens Thursday: Muted

This is how we usually spend Thanksgiving….I cook the meal, some of it gets eaten, then we decorate for Christmas. This year, it rained all day so the outdoor décor didn’t get done. We’ll see if it ever gets done at this point. You should be glad there’s no sound […]

By |November 26th, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments (2)

Through the Lens Thursday: Cut

The boys are cut from the same cloth. Henry is more outspoken and eager to talk to anyone, anywhere, and Ervin is shy and not very social or open, but they both love a lot of the same things and act the same way at home and pretty much […]

By |November 19th, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments (5)

Through the Lens Thursday: Smile

I tried to take pictures of our family last Sunday for our holiday cards this year, because (to be real) I had a good blow out from the salon on Saturday and I didn’t want to waste it. It was also a pretty nice day out, and I didn’t want […]

By |November 12th, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments (4)

Through the Lens Thursday: Bright

The sky and ground and everything in between is a dull, gloomy opposite-of-bright collection of colors in the fall. I love it, though. I love living in the country where we can leave the fallen, crunchy leaves on the ground to pile them and scatter them and enjoy them.

For my […]

By |November 5th, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments (5)

Through the Lens Thursday: Plant and Happy

Do you ever get so sucked into some book or TV show or whatever that you can’t think about anything else? (YEAH. duh.) That’s where I’ve been lately with the Harry Potter series, and it’s been really, really hard to want to go back to regular life. Now I’ve finished […]

By |October 28th, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments Off on Through the Lens Thursday: Plant and Happy

Through the Lens Thursday: Catch Up

It’s ridiculous how behind I got on this, and how overwhelmed I’ve been lately. (Breathe) But Clare has been dedicated to this project and I refuse to let her go it alone! So, here are a few weeks’ worth of pictures to get me caught up. DRAWN: The narwhal Ivy […]

By |October 9th, 2015|through the lens thursday|Comments (3)