Gluten Free Friday: Thanksgiving Edition

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Gluten Free Friday post, but I hosted my very first big gluten free holiday meal last week for Thanksgiving, and I wanted to share the menu in case you were looking for ideas.

There were things missing (I didn’t make GF rolls or […]

By |November 30th, 2012|Christmas, gluten free, recipe, Thanksgiving|Comments (10)

Project 365: Week 46

Oh my goodness, ya’ll. Every one of these posts brings us that much closer to Christmas and the end of 2012. This post is only a handful of days from Thanksgiving! ACK!

Oh, but hey! I wrote a post this week that was a really fun way to let you get […]

By |November 17th, 2012|Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy, project 365, Thanksgiving|Comments (6)

Adopt A Pantry #TGIF

So, today is Friday, and Just Jennifer is doing her first monthly TGIF link-up.

It’s been a long week, though. Three kids have had fevers this week (two today), hubs has been gone or working outside a lot of the week, Ivy started (and finished) her first full week of kindergarten, […]

By |August 31st, 2012|TGIF, Thanksgiving|Comments (7)

Thanksgiving Preview #mondaylisticles

So, you may remember that we were going on a trip over Thanksgiving.Well, we just got back after a loooooooooong car ride, and we’re toast. After we recover, I’ll share more.(I know you want to hear more about whales! and puke! and traffic! and a River Walk!)For now, I’m linking […]

By |November 27th, 2011|Thanksgiving, vacation|Comments (0)

Thanksgiving 2011 (and Giveaway!)

If you’re reading this, it means we are deep into a family trip to San Antonio, and skipping out on Thanksgiving entirely.But, I can’t let the holiday pass by without taking a minute to contemplate all that I have to be thankful for this year.I’m thankful that I have the […]

By |November 22nd, 2011|giveaway, thankful, Thanksgiving|Comments Off on Thanksgiving 2011 (and Giveaway!)

Vacation From The Holidays #MondayListicles

Stasha over at The Good Life is hosting her Monday Listicles again, and the topic this week is “What Makes A Perfect Vacation” (chosen by Staying Afloat!).This list is kind of perfect, timing-wise, because in lieu of a big Thanksgiving celebration next week, my immediate family is taking a trip […]

By |November 14th, 2011|holidays, Thanksgiving, vacation|Comments (0)