Adopt A Pantry #TGIF

So, today is Friday, and Just Jennifer is doing her first monthly TGIF link-up.

It’s been a long week, though. Three kids have had fevers this week (two today), hubs has been gone or working outside a lot of the week, Ivy started (and finished) her first full week of kindergarten, […]

By |August 31st, 2012|TGIF, Thanksgiving|Comments (7)

Fewer Ants This Way. #TGIF

This summer has been so. stinking. hot. We started off strong, checking a lot of items off of our Summer Bucket List. Then things calmed down and heated up outside. Yeah, we’ve had bible school and swimming lessons, and a little trip here and there. But for the most part, […]

By |July 20th, 2012|Mommy Bear Media, Summer Bucket List, TGIF|Comments (11)

Gluten Free Friday: TGIF Edition

I just got an oh so welcome phone call, and I had to share.

You know that our two (nearly three) year old was officially diagnosed with Celiac Disease in February. Well, we had her follow up appointment on Wednesday to talk to the doctor, check her weight, check the antibody […]

By |June 22nd, 2012|Essie, gluten free, gluten free, Henry, ivy, TGIF|Comments (27)