We Got A Fish Over Hee-ya!

Saturday evening, we all went to a good friend’s parents’ house to go fishing and bbq. The kids had never been fishing before, but T. had been wanting to take them since we got married. They were all pretty excited.This was the first fish they caught. The first of, like, […]

By |May 31st, 2011|Henry, summer|Comments (0)

Top 10 Summer Don’ts

This is my first time doing a prompt from Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop. I hope I do it justice!One of the prompts was “Your Top 10 Summer Don’ts”, so here are mine.10. DON’T go anywhere at dusk without dousing yourself with bug spray. This is Kansas, people, and the mosquitoes […]

By |May 26th, 2011|summer, writing prompt|Comments Off on Top 10 Summer Don’ts

I’m Doomed

It is the first day of summer vacation and even before breakfast, this happened:Do you see the purple bump in the middle of the forehead? Apparently the top of the dresser, the floor, and my son were in cahoots.It’s going to be a long break.

By |May 23rd, 2011|Henry, summer|Comments Off on I’m Doomed