Great Expectations: Summer Bucket List

Normally, on Monday nights, I would feature a guest poster for Great Expectations. And next week, we’ll start up again with another one.

This week, however, since school starts back up for my big two in just over A DAY, I thought I’d take this opportunity to look back on my expectations […]

By |August 13th, 2012|Ervin, Essie, Great Expectations, Henry, ivy, summer, Summer Bucket List|Comments (14)

Fewer Ants This Way. #TGIF

This summer has been so. stinking. hot. We started off strong, checking a lot of items off of our Summer Bucket List. Then things calmed down and heated up outside. Yeah, we’ve had bible school and swimming lessons, and a little trip here and there. But for the most part, […]

By |July 20th, 2012|Mommy Bear Media, Summer Bucket List, TGIF|Comments (11)

Aqua-Bored #iPPP

We are now 5/8 of the way through swimming lessons. I’m counting down the minutes until they’re done at 11:55am on Thursday.

The hours spent by the pool (not in the pool or near the pool, mind you, unless you want to get yelled at by the eagle-eyed lady that keeps […]

By |July 17th, 2012|#ippp, Essie, Henry, ivy, summer, Summer Bucket List|Comments (38)

Project 365: Week 27

July!! Holy cow. That means it’s only a little over a month before school starts again. I did get my Nikon out this week, a couple of times. Just like last week, we didn’t do a whole lot, since it’s been SO. DANG. HOT.

July 1

Apparently, the only picture I took […]

By |July 8th, 2012|Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy, project 365, Summer Bucket List|Comments (7)

Outdoor Movie Night #summerbucketlist

We went out at dusk (also known as the kids’ later summer bedtime), unfolded the camping chairs and settled in.

T started the projector (pointed at the garage door), and I got up fifteen times: made and delivered three bowls of popcorn, borrowed and lit the citronella coil, took the little […]

By |June 24th, 2012|Mommy Bear Media, review, summer, Summer Bucket List|Comments (10)

Project 365: Week 25

I can’t believe I’ve made it almost halfway through this challenge! Woohoo!

Okay, so this week, I did slightly better than last week at getting my DSLR out and using it. I did…um…twice. And the first time was because T reminded me that I should.

June 17

Sunday was Father’s Day, and the […]

By |June 23rd, 2012|project 365, Summer Bucket List, weight loss|Comments (7)

Project 365: Week 24

So, this post should be titled “My Week In Instagram”, because once again, the DSLR has stayed in its case and I’ve used my camera phone all week (which will be great for the return of #iPPP next week).

It’s been kind of crazy with late evening bible school all week […]

By |June 16th, 2012|Ervin, gluten free, gluten free, project 365, summer, Summer Bucket List|Comments (3)

Memorial Day (Mini) Road Trippin’

I’ve said it before (many times)….my kids get car sick. On any given trip, at least one will throw up. My oldest has grown out of most of it, but he still occasionally blows chunks. The two year old? It’s a regular occurrence for her.

I’ve found that one hour seems […]

By |May 30th, 2012|gluten free, review, summer, Summer Bucket List, travel|Comments (25)