Weeding It Up.







By |April 29th, 2012|Essie, ivy, spring, Uncategorized|Comments (12)

Project 365: Week 13

Lucky week 13! The Jayhawks made it to the Championships last night, and play for the title tomorrow. Exciting stuff in KS!March 25More trampoline fun (we can’t get enough)!March 26Erv and I made the trip to central KS so the very talented Megan could take his one year pictures. The […]

By |April 1st, 2012|Ervin, ivy, one year, project 365, spring|Comments (0)

Perfect Time For Jumpin’

While grandma was here this week, she bought the kids a trampoline. The first day that it was put together (minus the netting, which was put on a couple of days later), it was sunset and warm and perfect for taking pictures.Because I’m still in spring cleaning mode and tired […]

By |March 18th, 2012|spring|Comments Off on Perfect Time For Jumpin’