Project 365 (Week 22)

It’s been a pretty good week, you guys.

May 26

Memorial Day picnic with my family and T’s parents. Erv was feeling pretty crappy, but we had fun, and it was a beautiful day.

















May 27

Ivy’s first day of basketball camp. She was so nervous, and looked so tiny out there on the […]

By |June 1st, 2013|project 365|Comments (6)

Project 365 (Week 21)

School’s out for summer!

This week, I had a guest post over at To Hab and To Hold, all about my love (and hate) of summer. Mostly love. And I’d love for you to drop by and visit over there!

May 19
We went to my niece’s birthday party. They have an awesome […]

By |May 25th, 2013|project 365|Comments (8)

Project 365 (Week 20)

Hey, don’t forget to enter my giveaway for a $30 gift certificate to the amazing handmade treasures at!

This week…..busy but seemed to last forever.

May 12

Mother’s Day! I had a great one. Still floating on the fumes from Listen To Your Mother, we went to lunch and then I took […]

By |May 19th, 2013|project 365|Comments (17)

Project 365 (Week 19)

I’m still very much coming down from the high of the Listen To Your Mother Show last night. Here’s my week:

May 5

Bedtime is a little nuts at our house…..we have a routine, but it’s kind of a chaotic one.

May 6

I finished the #Bostonstrong10K for Charity Miles on Monday morning. It […]

By |May 12th, 2013|project 365|Comments (7)

Project 365 ( Week 18)

This week has been better, but no less exhausting. The dog hasn’t made any improvement, and has woken me up nearly every night whining or scooting himself around, and I feel like I have another infant to take care of. This is why I’ll never have five children, people.

April 28

On […]

By |May 5th, 2013|project 365|Comments (3)

Project 365 (Week 17)

I finally had a week that ended on a high note, thank goodness.

April 21

Sunday started out fabulously. I got to get away for our first Listen To Your Mother read-through. But then I came home to the dog that couldn’t walk.

This cuteness happened in the morning, though (and was somehow […]

By |April 28th, 2013|project 365|Comments (16)

Project 365 (week 16)

Today was a long week. That’s all I have to say about that. April 14 My mom and I ran our second 5K of the weekend, stupid early on Sunday morning. We survived (barely) but we actually did get pretty good times. And we got to be divas. April […]

By |April 20th, 2013|project 365|Comments (5)

Project 365 (Week 15)

I can’t believe April is half over. It’s been a crazy couple of weeks here, with hazing for the Mamavation Mom finalists every day, school, crappy weather, real 5Ks. If you’re around tomorrow night from 7-8:30 (central), I’d love you to hop over to twitter (with the #mamavation hashtag) for […]

By |April 14th, 2013|project 365|Comments (8)

Project 365 (Week 14)

March 31

We spent Easter Sunday out of town, first visiting my grandma, then eating with my other grandparents for my grandpa’s birthday. The kids finally got to color eggs, but only because my mom brought everything with her. I was not prepared last week.

April 1

Sometimes, you just have a droopy […]

By |April 6th, 2013|project 365|Comments (8)

Project 365 (Week 13)

I’m in a hotel room right now, on Easter morning, trying to do this from my phone. Here goes nothing…

March 24
My baby turned TWO, and I made it home from Blissdom (to a lot of snow).

March 25
After a long spring break, the kids finally went back to school, and Erv […]

By |March 31st, 2013|project 365|Comments (6)