Project 365 (Week 32)

To say last week was a long week is an understatement. Hubs is still out of town for work (seven days and counting), and Monday-Friday, we had two people at our house putting in our new windows. Which are fantastic, and exciting, and I love them. But having strangers in […]

By |August 11th, 2013|project 365|Comments (18)

Project 365 (Week 31)

This has been a quiet, quiet week. For most of it, I was alone..the kids were with their grandparents and hubs was travelling for work. It was strange to be by myself for so long! It’s been pretty relaxing, but I was ready to pick up my noisy kids Sunday. […]

By |August 4th, 2013|project 365|Comments (15)

Project 365 (Week 30)

I feel like we haven’t stopped traveling/moving/doing/packing/unpacking/preparing/celebrating all week. (No, we’re not moving into a new house or anything. I literally mean moving our bodies and packing/unpacking for trips to see grandparents) I’m tired, but this afternoon began a full week of being kid-less…we had to start it with a […]

By |July 28th, 2013|project 365|Comments (9)

Project 365 (Week 29)

I took the kids out of state this week to visit their grandparents, so I’m writing this in a state of exhausted-from-hanging-out-with-the-two-year-old-away-from-the-safety-of-our-two-year-old-proof-home haze. July 14 Birthday party #1! It was a bouncy house co-birthday for the girls and my nephew. July 15 Essie’s birthday! She turned four, had swimming […]

By |July 21st, 2013|project 365|Comments (4)

Project 365 (Week 28)

This was a full week of swimming lessons and running and running around. I’m exhausted!

July 7
I took these three to the store, mostly for birthday cupcake decorating paraphernalia. I didn’t have to, but it was a short trip. So….it was exciting for them, at least.

July 8
First day of swimming lessons. […]

By |July 13th, 2013|project 365|Comments (6)

Project 365 (Week 27)

I realize that this is way late, but somehow, the loooong weekend really got away from me. Anybody else? Also: JULY! EEK! June 30 I ran my first “long run” outdoors for the half marathon training (I’m usually on my treadmill during the week). The weather this past week was […]

By |July 7th, 2013|project 365|Comments (4)

Project 365 (Week 26)

June 23

Sunday was our zoo and 5K day.

June 24

Erv had almost the full day with me to himself (the big three were still on a trip with my parents), so we tried to enjoy ourselves.

And then the big three came home….worn OUT.

June 25

It was a hot day, but a pretty […]

By |June 29th, 2013|project 365|Comments (16)

Project 365 (Week 25)

June 16
Father’s Day! We went to lunch with my parents, in-laws, cousin and grandparents.

June 17

June 18
More bubbles, this time with me and the girls.

June 19
This kid has been giving me fits about nap time lately, going to sleep later and later until I have to wake him up for supper.

But […]

By |June 22nd, 2013|project 365|Comments (5)

Project 365 (Week 24)

It’s been a rough week. Hubs was gone most of the week for work, and we lost a member of our family when we had to put our sweet dog to sleep. We also didn’t have anything planned, so we didn’t do anything, which was kind of nice. I am […]

By |June 15th, 2013|project 365|Comments (6)

Project 365 (Week 23)

This week was….busy. The big three went to bible school for three hours every morning, so Erv and I had to find things to do 20 minutes from home. We mostly did some track running and playground hopping.

June 2

A laaaazy Sunday started with me in bed and the girls going […]

By |June 8th, 2013|project 365|Comments (10)