Project 365 (Week 42)

Oct 13

I made it home from CA and was reunited with this smooshy face.

Oct 14

Henry turned 8! So, of course, we went to the dentist? All four kids got great reports, and Henry got balloons and other extra birthday goodies.

Oct 15

Nana’s birthday! We took goofy pictures and put them on […]

By |October 19th, 2013|project 365|Comments (12)

Project 365 (Week 41)

Playing catch-up here….obviously.

Oct. 6

Another solo bedtime.

Oct. 7

Rolling up to preschool pick-up in style.

Oct. 8

My marching band fanatic. Cutest thing ever.

Oct. 9

My birthday! It wasn’t exciting, it was like any other day. But the weekend in CA more than made up for it. (I got dressed in non-running clothes and put […]

By |October 19th, 2013|project 365|Comments (6)

Project 365 (Week 40)

Don’t forget about my LLS auction! It ends tomorrow night (Monday!) at 8 pm. You don’t want to miss your chance to get gifts or something for yourself in exchange for a tax-deductible donation! Here’s the Facebook album that you can look through to see the pictures and links of […]

By |October 6th, 2013|getting fit, project 365|Comments (7)

Project 365 (Week 39)

We survived the week. That’s the best I could do, you guys.

Oh, and don’t forget to come back in a few hours (or you know, when you wake up in the morning) and check out all of the incredible items I have up for bid in my #LLSauction. All proceeds […]

By |September 29th, 2013|getting fit, project 365|Comments (6)

Project 365 (Week 38)

WHEW, this has been a busy week! Did I start last week’s by saying that, too? I did a yard sale this weekend (my first ever), to raise some more money for LLS. It was pretty successful, but with my husband working out of town all week, pretty exhausting, too. […]

By |September 22nd, 2013|project 365|Comments (12)

Project 365 (Week 37)

Let’s see…what did I do this week? I slept a lot, and coughed a lot, then went out of town and barely finished my first half marathon.

Sept. 8

Sunday night, I was starting to feel sick, and was trying to have a quiet evening. But Erv took a long, late nap […]

By |September 15th, 2013|project 365|Comments (3)

Project 365 (Week 36)

Whew, this has been a crazy week. Besides the fact that my very first half marathon is in less than a week (OMG), I’ve been really busy trying to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Team in Training program. Plus, I’ve got a 31 party happening this week […]

By |September 8th, 2013|project 365|Comments (7)

Project 365 (Week 35)

Labor Day weekend! Our family always does something fun together, since the big holidays are touch and go for everybody’s schedules. So anyway, I’m writing this on my phone from a hotel room somewhere in Nebraska.

Aug 25
My very first half marathon is in two weeks. TWO WEEKS. I ran 10 […]

By |September 1st, 2013|project 365|Comments (10)

Project 365 (Week 34)

I think this was the first full week of school for the big two, and the countdown to school starting for the preschooler. It was kind of a whirlwind.

Aug. 18

I got up EARLY (before the sun) to run my longest ever long run for my half marathon training, 9 miles.

While […]

By |August 25th, 2013|project 365|Comments (14)

Project 365 (Week 33)

We survived the first week of school! Yeah, so, it was only four days, but it was four LONG days. In case you missed it, I’m giving away coffee (go! enter!) this week, and I reviewed a great new album from two of members of the Dixie Chicks. Oh, and I shared […]

By |August 18th, 2013|project 365|Comments (24)