Project 365: Week 1

So, we officially ended 2013 and began 2014! I started (with Alison of Writing, Wishing) a photography self-improvement project, and if you’d like to join in a work on your skills with us, we have a flickr group! It’s very casual, just a place to post photos based on the […]

By |January 5th, 2014|project 365|Comments (18)

Project 365 (Week 52)

It’s been a very holiday week around here! Lots and lots of Christmas celebrating. Lots.

Dec 22

Sunday was Christmas at Nana and Papa’s house, with most of the relatives in Arkansas.

Dec 23

On Monday, I had lunch with my AR BFF (and didn’t take a picture, sheesh), then we went to Nana’s […]

By |December 29th, 2013|project 365|Comments (16)

Project 365 (Week 51)

It’s almost Christmas, and the kids are on break! We didn’t waste any time, and already had one celebration. Many more to come! Dec 15 Our tree. With toddlers and cats and falling ornaments and toys. Dec 16 The big two had their Christmas program at school. It was […]

By |December 22nd, 2013|project 365|Comments (11)

Project 365 (Week 50)

Dec. 8

We’re in a bad stage with Erv….if he naps, he wants to stay up longer than I even do (like in this picture, taken at 10 pm). If he doesn’t, the whining and crying start at 4pm and last until he goes to bed. I don’t like it. He […]

By |December 15th, 2013|project 365|Comments (6)

Project 365 (Weeks 48-49)

So, I was really busy and tired this weekend and I didn’t get to posting last week’s Project 365. Here are both!

Nov. 24

Ivy had her second basketball game, and Henry, Essie, and I (along with my parents) were her cheering squad.

Nov. 25

It got cold for a while. Thank goodness for […]

By |December 8th, 2013|project 365|Comments (8)

Project 365 (Week 47)

If last week was nice and warm, this week was brutally cold. It made it hard to want to leave the house, you know?

Nov. 17

Ivy had her first basketball game. Then when the big three went to bed, and the one who still naps got into his sister’s lip gloss.

Nov. […]

By |November 24th, 2013|project 365|Comments (7)

Project 365 (Week 46)

Do you ever have those weeks when your kids are just…..awful?? Like, you talk and talk and talk and nothing is being heard? Yeah. That. Nov. 10 World Run Day! It was actually a really mild night, and my mom and I went to the track to run our 5K. […]

By |November 17th, 2013|project 365|Comments (8)

Project 365 (Week 45)

This was the week of the mild but excruciatingly annoying stomach bug.

Nov. 3

Sunday was a particularly ugly day in stomach-bug land, and after Great Wolf Lodge, I was exhausted. I didn’t take any pictures, but I did take a very short video. (But, I don’t really know how to embed […]

By |November 10th, 2013|project 365|Comments (17)

Project 365 (Week 44)

We had quite the week, ushering out October (No! Come back!).

Oct. 27

Loooong fun day on Sunday, that included a “Kitty Cat Crawl” family fun walk (a one mile walk with a scavenger hunt and stations that turned the kids into cats), and then a visit to a pumpkin patch.

Oct. 28

The […]

By |November 3rd, 2013|project 365|Comments (24)

Project 365 (Week 43)

Oct 20
We didn’t really have a birthday party for Henry because we’re doing something fun as a family next weekend. But, we went out to lunch with his cousins.

Oct 21
Oh, you know…just playing the double decker Thomas trumpet.

Oct 22
I helped in Essie’s preschool class. It’s less than an hour and […]

By |October 26th, 2013|project 365|Comments (14)