Project 365: Weeks 11-12

Yeah, so it’s been spring break and I’ve been a touch burned out/busy/overwhelmed, so I didn’t really feel like doing this last weekend. But, of course, now I have twice as much to share. Woo!

March 9

What’s this? A quiet evening AND the kids getting along? Unheard of.

March 10

Little thug. Watch […]

By |March 23rd, 2014|gluten free, project 365|Comments (3)

Project 365: Week 10

March 2 I went from running the Disney World half to training for another half marathon in April, and I’m not gonna lie….I’m getting a little burnt out. I’ve still got almost five weeks until the next one, and I just want to get it over with at this point. […]

By |March 9th, 2014|project 365|Comments (9)

Project 365: Week 9

It’s March now, but you can’t tell from looking outside. Feb. 23 I honestly have no idea what we did last Sunday. I have a feeling it wasn’t much. This was the one and only picture I took, apparently, while Ivy and I were hanging out on the couch. […]

By |March 2nd, 2014|project 365|Comments (7)

Project 365: Week 8

We had five full days of school this week, with no parties, and it felt like the longest. week. ever. Feb. 16 After all of the fun we had on Friday and Saturday, we took it easy on Sunday (when I say “took it easy”, I mean, I did […]

By |February 23rd, 2014|project 365|Comments (7)

Project 365: Week 7

We actually did some fun stuff this week! Feb. 9 The big kids went with daddy to see the Lego movie while I stayed home with the little one. But the first showing sold out, so they hung out at the library for a while until the next one. (Photo […]

By |February 16th, 2014|project 365|Comments (4)

Project 365: Week 6

The longer I do this during the winter the less interesting my life feels.

Feb. 2

We sort of watched the Super Bowl, but when the halftime show came on, some of us were really, really interested.

Feb. 3

I didn’t get to my long run last weekend (I usually do it on Sundays), […]

By |February 9th, 2014|project 365|Comments (12)

Project 365: Week 5

So, it’s February already. I kind of feel there wasn’t much happening in January, except cold. And cold. And some more cold.

Jan. 26

A nice afternoon called for a long run outside.

Jan. 27

Watching the trash truck.

Jan. 28

The end of a long day called for hot chocolate and a movie (The Perks […]

By |February 2nd, 2014|project 365|Comments (7)

Project 365: Week 4

This week was kind of uneventful…I actually don’t remember much about it. We didn’t do much (again). But I took pictures of us not doing much, so… Jan. 19 Erv protected our house, valiantly. Jan. 20 Since it was MLK Jr Day and the kids didn’t have school, we […]

By |January 26th, 2014|project 365|Comments (6)

Project 365: Week 3

Jan. 12

Sunday was spent at Magic Kingdom with Laura, then I managed to get an extra ticket and sneak my way into a marathon weekend “after party” for TNT with some lovely Canadians (the Kansans went elsewhere). There were also some native Floridians there:

Jan. 13

I left for the airport on […]

By |January 19th, 2014|project 365|Comments (4)

Project 365: Week 2

This has been a super exciting week! After four months of training and fundraising, I finally got to go to Disney World and run the half marathon for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Jan. 5
It was snowy and very cold Sunday. We didn’t do much.

Jan. 6
After two weeks of school, the […]

By |January 12th, 2014|getting fit, project 365|Comments (14)