Project 365: Week 22

May 25 Toddlers have style, yo. And big imaginations. May 26 On Memorial Day morning, my mom and I got up and did a 5K. May 27 The big two went to a two-night camp! It was Henry’s second year and Ivy’s first. And because the big […]

By |June 8th, 2014|project 365|Comments (4)

Project 365: Week 21

Summer break has started! I’m both excited and scared! But really, we have a lot of fun things planned, plus plenty of down time, so it should be good. May 18 I finished the weekend with the Mamavation 5K (and ended the #2weekchallenge). I tried really, really hard to get […]

By |May 25th, 2014|project 365|Comments (7)

Project 365: Week 20

May 11

Mother’s Day. We went out for lunch, as is our “tradition” (going on three years now), and I made the kids take a picture with me. It wasn’t the most successful photo shoot we’ve ever had…

(This picture is an optical illusion…I am NOT pregnant. Thanks, Ivy, for the belly […]

By |May 18th, 2014|project 365|Comments (11)

Project 365: Week 19

The big two have less than 2 weeks of school left and the preschool is done on Friday. !!!! That’s the advantage of going back earlier than everybody else in the country, in August….we get out earlier, too. But seriously, I can’t believe it’s almost summer. May 4 I finally […]

By |May 11th, 2014|project 365|Comments (8)

Project 365: Week 18

Yeah, so I’m behind again. Let me just dust the cobwebs off the ol’ blog and catch up. April 27 We did the Warrior Dash for the hat. Obviously. April 28 Apparently, the only picture I took on this day was of my teeth for the giveaway. I’m not […]

By |May 11th, 2014|project 365|Comments (4)

Project 365: Week 17

April 20 Easter Sunday. The kids saw a bunny in the yard, asked me to take a picture of it, and then saw pictures on my phone of their Easter baskets (which were still waiting downstairs for them). We went to a dinner and egg hunt at my brother’s […]

By |April 27th, 2014|project 365|Comments (4)

Project 365: Week 16

I’m getting really bad at this “timely post” thing. April 13 Wearing my awesome new Coffee Break shirt from (and getting ready for a LTYM reunion lunch). April 14 I was still low from missing the half, I guess, and the hubs left to go out of town […]

By |April 27th, 2014|project 365|Comments (1)

Project 365: Week 15

Well, shoot. I haven’t been able to publish this on time in several weeks, have I? I’m sure there’s a reason for that? Anyway, once again, if you’re looking for #iPPP (which you should be linking up to, you guys), head over to Angela Y’s or Angela A’s places. April […]

By |April 15th, 2014|project 365|Comments (3)

Project 365: Week 14

If you’re looking for #iPPP, it’s still happening. Just not here for a couple of weeks. I need a break, yo. So head on over to Angela YBlood’s or Angela A’s places and link up there!

March 30

Erv’s 3rd birthday party.

March 31

Last day of March. And the day Erv sang “carrots […]

By |April 8th, 2014|project 365|Comments (8)

Project 365: Week 13

I’m glad this week is over. The end.

March 23

I cried on Sunday morning when I finished the Book Thief. Then I cried some more thinking about Erv’s birthday the next day and the week to come.

March 24

Erv’s third birthday! And for “I” week, the preschooler brought the first grader in […]

By |March 30th, 2014|project 365|Comments (5)