Project 365: Week 32

Seriously, how did I forget about last week’s post? Oh yeah….recovering from BlogHer, solo parenting, dealing with a brand new puppy and getting ready for the first week of school! That’ll do it. Aug. 3 In just a couple of weeks, Henry’s braces had moved his front teeth…a lot. […]

By |August 17th, 2014|project 365|Comments (1)

Project 365: Week 31

July 27 I had to leave lovely San Jose and get back home. Unfortunately, the “getting back home” involved a four hour delay in Denver, but fortunately, one of my very best friends from college (and in general) lives very close to the airport and came to see me with […]

By |August 3rd, 2014|project 365|Comments (2)

Project 365: Week 30

It has been so busy around here, which is funny, because we’re pretty much done with all of the summer plans we had. But braces, doctor’s appointments, eye appointments, conferences, school supply shopping, and a new puppy, it feels like there’s something to do every day. And school starts in […]

By |August 3rd, 2014|project 365|Comments (6)

Project 365: Week 29

This week was busy, even without many plans! July 13 We went out to eat for my dad’s birthday and my parents’ 40th anniversary, then came home and put up the girls’ early birthday present. July 14 I don’t really have words for this. He’s definitely got his own […]

By |July 21st, 2014|project 365|Comments (4)

Project 365: Week 28

It was a busy week! The kids had swimming lessons every morning, plus a couple of birthday parties and other things thrown in. July 6 I got to meet a long-time bloggy friend, Tara, on Sunday. It was so nice chatting with her over coffee…we had a million things to […]

By |July 13th, 2014|project 365|Comments (2)

Project 365: Week 27

Back from our road trip, and mostly recovered. June 29 I was not, however, recovered on Sunday. I think I even took a nap. But, I did not take a picture. June 30 It was cloudy, but that didn’t stop us from swimming (it even sprinkled on us some). But […]

By |July 6th, 2014|project 365|Comments (7)

Project 365: Week 26

Continuing on our road trip…. June 22 A day with my best AR girl friend (and no kids!) June 23 Then we hit the road again, leaving AR and heading to SE Texas. Once again, the kids wasted no time once we got there, and went fishing on […]

By |July 3rd, 2014|project 365|Comments (5)

Project 365: Week 25

I’m so far behind, it’s ridiculous. Moving on. June 15 Father’s Day, and T was still out of town (because apparently, working on Father’s Day several hours from home is perfectly acceptable to a company. Ahem) So, video chat. June 16 Ivy took a picture of Skeeter, and we […]

By |July 3rd, 2014|project 365|Comments (5)

Project 365: Week 24

This was a down week…only one or two things planned. I like having things to do and places to go during the summer, but I definitely like to have some relaxed, take it easy, do whatever we feel like doing time, too. It never got above 80 degrees, though, so […]

By |June 15th, 2014|project 365|Comments (1)

Project 365: Week 23

It’s June! Already! June 1 Batman marathon on BBC. All. Day. Long. June 2 First day of bible school! All four kids were old enough to go (yay!), so I had three whole hours to myself every morning this week. Swimming. Erv wasn’t too thrilled, so basically I […]

By |June 8th, 2014|project 365|Comments (13)