Project 365: Week 42

We only have ten weeks left in the year. Whaaaaat. Oct. 12 This was my Sunday, basically. We both enjoyed it. Oct. 13 It was cold and rainy, so I baked. (This week is started out pretty exciting, eh?) Oct. 14 Henry turned nine. I….had a bit of […]

By |October 19th, 2014|project 365|Comments (6)

Project 365: Week 41

Oct. 5 I made my way home from LA on Sunday afternoon, and it seemed as though some creatures missed me….this one showed it the most, though. Oct. 6 We had beautiful weather….good for trying new swing tricks. Oct. 7 I had a dentist appointment, and for […]

By |October 12th, 2014|project 365|Comments (1)

Project 365: Week 40

Sept. 28 The baby is growing up. Sept. 29 This was a late night for he-who-occasionally-falls-asleep-late-in-the-day. Sept. 30 Fall has definitely arrived here. Oct. 1 I arrived in Los Angeles to help work ShiftCon, and it was a long day. This is when I finally made […]

By |October 12th, 2014|project 365|Comments (1)

Project 365; Week 39

As far as weeks go, this one was pretty slow. Sept. 21 I hadn’t run in, like, two months or some nonsense. So I ran. And I haven’t run since. Sigh. It felt good, though. Sept. 22 Vet appointment with two dogs and one toddler. It was a riot. […]

By |September 28th, 2014|gluten free, project 365|Comments (3)

Project 365: Week 38

We’re well into September, y’all. I mean, it’s almost over. WHAAAT. Sept. 14 The last day on Lake Erie for Bloggy Con. Sept. 15 Three is a hard age. Three is a HARD. AGE. Sept. 16 Orthodontist appointment for Henry’s first adjustment. When we were at the front […]

By |September 21st, 2014|project 365|Comments (1)

Project 365: Week 37

I was in Cleveland last weekend for Bloggy Conference, and I think I’m finally recovered. Sept. 7 My lunch notes are not Pinterest-worthy. (But my kids like them?) Sept. 8 Kansas in the fall. Sept. 9 Sept. 10 Can you see his expression? That’s called The Toddler […]

By |September 21st, 2014|project 365|Comments (1)

Project 365: Week 36

We continued Labor Day weekend and ended the week having fun with some friends that came to visit. And you know what? I realized that on the last post, I ended the week with Sunday, so um….this one will be shorter. Heh. September! Sept 1 Bitty baby did SO well […]

By |September 7th, 2014|project 365|Comments (2)

Project 365: Week 35

Labor Day threw a wrench in my posting on time streak of…one week. Aug. 24 We had a pretty lazy day a couple of Sundays ago. Apparently, Louise and I were waiting on Erv to finish his hour-long breakfast. Aug. 25 Falling asleep on the ten minute drive home […]

By |September 7th, 2014|gluten free, project 365|Comments (2)

Project 365: Week 34

WHAT?! This post is on time? *pats myself on back* Aug. 17 The only pictures I took last Sunday were of the green stuff covered in dew. Ha. Aug. 18 Waiting for a turn on grandpa’s mower. This is what happens when you speak in a high-pitched […]

By |August 24th, 2014|project 365|Comments (2)

Project 365: Week 33

School started in the middle of this week (!!!) and we survived. That’s all I have to say about that. Aug. 10 It was my niece’s birthday and she was baptized at church, so I took my four to celebrate her. Aug. 11 It was as gorgeous day for […]

By |August 17th, 2014|project 365|Comments (3)