
In my last post, I mentioned Cancun. If you live in Kansas or the midwest or have a TV, you probably know that there was a “blizzard” last week, aka “snowmaggedon”. If you know T. and I, you know that we’ve been planning our last-ditch, still-a-family-of-five, kids-free, better-late-than-never honeymoon for […]

By |February 7th, 2011|pregnancy, Tyson, vacation|Comments (0)

Some Other Things…

So, I made a list yesterday of things I had to get done before March 24, when we will be getting up BRIGHT and EARLY to head to the hospital and have our fourth child. Of course, I thought of more things I needed to do…and maybe if I have […]

By |January 27th, 2011|pregnancy|Comments (2)

The Date Is Set!

So, I went to the doctor today, and I guess I’m just about 31 weeks along now. My doctor had called the hospital and scheduled the c-section that will bring Baby Bean into this world! That date will be….drum roll please….March 24! With all of the crazy new zodiac stuff […]

By |January 26th, 2011|pregnancy|Comments (1)


I only have one picture of the big two trick-or-treating, and it was actually before we left the house. Sunday night was kind of a mess (literally). E. Belle didn’t take much of a nap that afternoon, so while the big two were running around like crazy people waiting to […]

By |November 4th, 2010|Halloween, pregnancy|Comments (1)