We Got This, Big Girl.

Thank you to P&G and Kroger stores for celebrating “Team Mom’s Everyday Victories”! Please visit the P&G’s event page to play games, win money off your next Kroger trip and more fun!


Your eyes lit up, and you smiled ear to ear. Your sister and I went crazy. Clapping, cheering, carrying […]

By |June 16th, 2012|Essie, potty training, sponsored post|Comments (5)

Project 365: Week 22

So, this is late and I’m totally phoning it in this week. I’m tired…T and I went to the Buzz Beach Ball (warning: that link is a video so don’t open it at work or when baby’s sleeping on your lap) last night and got home late (for old people like us, […]

By |June 3rd, 2012|potty training, project 365|Comments (6)


Well, it’s nap time for the big two, except one of them (I won’t name names but her name rhymes with Drivy) is yelling at me to open the door. I had to finish the movie I was watching though…you know, it had a few choice words so Essie is […]

By |March 8th, 2010|ivy, potty training|Comments Off on Oy