Sometimes, When You’re Three…

Sometimes, when you’re three, you fall off the couch.

Or the bed. Or the chair.

Or run into a wall. Or the door.

And when you’re three, it hurts more than it should. Because when you’re three, things happen in FULL COLOR.

Things are DRAMATIC.

And sometimes, when you’re three and you fall off the […]

By |August 23rd, 2012|Essie, Mommy Bear Media|Comments (16)

Fewer Ants This Way. #TGIF

This summer has been so. stinking. hot. We started off strong, checking a lot of items off of our Summer Bucket List. Then things calmed down and heated up outside. Yeah, we’ve had bible school and swimming lessons, and a little trip here and there. But for the most part, […]

By |July 20th, 2012|Mommy Bear Media, Summer Bucket List, TGIF|Comments (11)

Outdoor Movie Night #summerbucketlist

We went out at dusk (also known as the kids’ later summer bedtime), unfolded the camping chairs and settled in.

T started the projector (pointed at the garage door), and I got up fifteen times: made and delivered three bowls of popcorn, borrowed and lit the citronella coil, took the little […]

By |June 24th, 2012|Mommy Bear Media, review, summer, Summer Bucket List|Comments (10)

Family Movie Night: We Speak For The Trees

My kids like TV. A lot. In the afternoons, when the girls are having “quiet time”, they’re usually watching a a show or a movie. When all of them have had a long day and need to wind down, I put in a movie. If I’m tired and it’s raining, […]

By |May 23rd, 2012|Mommy Bear Media, review, tv|Comments (10)