Big Adventures (of the Traveling and Eating Kind)

Right this very minute, I’m in the Nashville airport, about to head over to the Opryland hotel for Blissdom, my VERY FIRST blogging conference. Eek!! I can tell you that I’m a bundle of nerves right now!I’m also totally preoccupied with the whole gluten thing. Bright and early Monday morning […]

By |February 23rd, 2012|gluten free, gluten free, guest post, momables|Comments Off on Big Adventures (of the Traveling and Eating Kind)

Stuck In A Rut. Or, FOOD.

If you’ve been reading here for the last few months or so, you know that:A) I have a 9 1/2 month oldB) He’s the youngest of fourC) I’m now in my 30s (ACK!)AndD) I’ve been on Weight Watchers for a while now, trying to lose the weight that came from […]

By |January 12th, 2012|Mama Kat, momables, weight loss, weight watchers|Comments (1)

My Weight Loss Journey (So Far)

So, you probably know that I’ve been doing Weight Watchers for about 14 weeks now. So far, I’m down 27 pounds!Losing weight has been really hard for me since I’ve had kids (especially the third and fourth). I’ve done other weight loss programs in the past, but since I’m nursing, […]

By |November 3rd, 2011|momables, weight loss, weight watchers|Comments Off on My Weight Loss Journey (So Far)

Exciting News!

You guys, I’m so excited to share some news with you.I’ve been a MOMables™ subscriber since Henry started kindergarten and I wanted to make him lunches but didn’t know what to make. I heard about this new website that laid out sack lunch menus for you every week and have loved […]

By |October 6th, 2011|food, momables|Comments Off on Exciting News!