Can I Read A Book Tonight? #iPPP

Welcome back to #iPPP! Mama Mash and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. Link up below!

Thank y’all for talking me off the ledge last week. Things did get better. I still don’t like to see my little man walking across that gym […]

By |August 28th, 2012|#ippp, Henry, milestones, school|Comments (42)

Project 365: Week 16

Hi! It’s been an exciting week here. I’m starting to get settled in to my new home here at, and appreciate all of the support you’ve shown me already!

April 15

Henry had some Easter money burning a hole in his pocket, so he and I (and Ervin) went on a […]


You are one. You are loud. You are sweet. You watch your brother and sisters with an intense interest, but never longing. Oh no. If you want to be in the middle of the action, you are there.You are passionate. You yell to get attention, you cry when your heart […]

By |April 11th, 2012|milestones|Comments (0)

11 Months

That’s hard to write. In less than a month, our (quite possibly last) baby will be a year old. It’s making me all kinds of emotional. Ervin is standing on his own now, cruising all over the furniture, and (much to my chagrin) taking one or two steps here and […]

By |March 7th, 2012|Ervin, growing up, milestones, milestones, motherhood|Comments Off on 11 Months

Project 365, Week 7

Holy cow. Week 7 already?!It’s been pretty eventful.Feb. 12Sunday was Secret Valentine day at church, where the kids meet the person who’s been sending them Valentines for a couple of weeks. We went out to lunch afterwards (I have to put two pictures here, since all the kids won’t fit […]

By |February 18th, 2012|gluten free, milestones, project 365, valentine's day|Comments (0)

Siblings and the Big Boy Chair #iPPP

My baby is still growing up. Didn’t I tell him to stop it?!Now, instead of rolling around on the floor or sitting in his bouncy chair while we eat supper, he sits in his big boy chair with us.And stares at us while we eat our food. And blows his […]

By |October 25th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, growing up, milestones|Comments Off on Siblings and the Big Boy Chair #iPPP

She is two.

I run my fingers through her hair. Her soft, blonde waves. She giggles and runs away.Later, I close my ears off to the siren of cries, turn my back to the alligator tears running down her face. I can’t respond to the wails and cook dinner and hear what her […]

By |October 20th, 2011|Essie, growing up, milestones|Comments Off on She is two.

Dear Henry,

Today, you’re six.Another year has come and gone, much too fast. But you’re the oldest of FOUR (!) and we treat you as such. Sometimes you resent it, and sometimes you soak it up.You light up a room with your excitement and huge, friendly smile (and let’s not forget those […]

By |October 14th, 2011|birthday, fall is coming, Henry, kindergarten, milestones, Tyson|Comments Off on Dear Henry,

Just Look At This Boy!

He officially did it for the first time last weekend at Carisa’s house. And yesterday I couldn’t catch it with the camera.But today…I mean, can you see why I can’t keep from kissing the cheeks?! And now he’s sitting up and growing up so fast. There will be no shortage […]

By |October 4th, 2011|milestones|Comments Off on Just Look At This Boy!

Give Peas A Chance

Big Erv turns five months old on Wednesday, and since he gobbled up the vanilla ice cream that his grandma gave him at a birthday party recently, and because diaper changes were starting to get a touch boring around here (HA!), I thought it was time for him to try […]

By |August 22nd, 2011|Ervin, food, milestones|Comments Off on Give Peas A Chance