Project 365: Week 26

This is late, I know. I’ve been kind of busy, but mostly….HOT. It’s been over 100 every day this week. Blech.

Anyway, here was our last week of June (yikes!).

June 24

Did I mention it was hot? T and Henry got haircuts….on the porch. (And no, he’s not wearing a shirt. Of […]

By |July 1st, 2012|Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy, Mama Mash, project 365|Comments (19)

The Return of #iPPP

You may have noticed an absence of the iPhone Photo Phun linky in the blogosphere lately. The original, fabulous hostesses Liz and KLZ have decided to no longer….well, host.

But don’t worry! I am SO excited to announce that the Link Up featuring Camera Phone Photos is BACK! Yes, yours truly, along […]

By |June 12th, 2012|#ippp, link-up, Mama Mash|Comments (14)

Great Expectations: Mama Mash

I introduced my new series last week. Thank you all so much for visiting and giving Jamie so much love!This week, I am honored to have Julie at my place. You may know Julie from her (presently quiet) blog, the Twitter, or facebook.I’m so lucky to have met Mama Mash […]

By |February 6th, 2012|Great Expectations, Mama Mash|Comments Off on Great Expectations: Mama Mash