Caught. #iPPP

Welcome back to #iPPP! Mama Mash and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. Link up below!

My parents organize a Labor Day get-together every year. It’s a big deal for my immediate family, and for the last 15 years, we’ve never missed one. […]

By |September 4th, 2012|#ippp, Essie, Labor Day|Comments (27)

A Year in Review (Part 3)

I’ve already covered the first half of 2011: the first part of the year was TOO exciting for me. Much, much too exciting. Thankfully, the next three months were low-key. July, August, and September were exciting again, but this time, in a GOOD WAY.In July,We celebrated the Fourth in a […]

By |December 25th, 2011|birthday, Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy, Labor Day, school|Comments Off on A Year in Review (Part 3)

Labor Day Shenanigans 2011 (Part 2)

So, after we finished at the museum, we went to a place called Sports Center (also in Topeka), that has mini-golf, go-karts, batting cages, a driving range, and arcade-type stuff. We did the first three, and also had a pizza picnic in the breezy sunshine (did I mention the weather […]

By |September 8th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, fall is coming, Henry, ivy, Labor Day|Comments Off on Labor Day Shenanigans 2011 (Part 2)

Labor Day Shenanigans 2011 (Part 1)

Every year, my family does something for Labor Day. It’s been a tradition for the last, I don’t know…8 years or more. Ever since our family started growing and it became harder to get everybody together for the more “traditional” family holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas).This year, we went to the Mulvane […]

By |September 6th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, fall is coming, Henry, ivy, Labor Day|Comments Off on Labor Day Shenanigans 2011 (Part 1)