What A Difference A Year Makes.

Just ten short months ago, I was dragging my then-five year old into the school. He didn’t want to go, and he certainly didn’t want me to leave him there.

Wednesday morning, I dropped him off for the last day of kindergarten. He was infinitely more confident, only needing his kiss […]

By |May 24th, 2012|first day, growing up, Henry, ivy, kindergarten, preschool|Comments (6)

Project 365: Week 16

Hi! It’s been an exciting week here. I’m starting to get settled in to my new home here at gfunkified.com, and appreciate all of the support you’ve shown me already!

April 15

Henry had some Easter money burning a hole in his pocket, so he and I (and Ervin) went on a […]

Dear Henry,

Today, you’re six.Another year has come and gone, much too fast. But you’re the oldest of FOUR (!) and we treat you as such. Sometimes you resent it, and sometimes you soak it up.You light up a room with your excitement and huge, friendly smile (and let’s not forget those […]

By |October 14th, 2011|birthday, fall is coming, Henry, kindergarten, milestones, Tyson|Comments Off on Dear Henry,

Being A Mama Is Hard.

I just left my first born at school, for his first day of kindergarten. And boy, did it break my heart!

At this point, he was still excited…

Isn’t he handsome??

But then, panic sets in.

I waited with him as long as I could, him clinging to me the whole time.

But he eventually […]

By |August 17th, 2011|first day, Henry, kindergarten, motherhood is hard|Comments (2)