Sparkle the Day Away

    I’ll be 38 later this year, pushing 40 like I’ve pushed the shovel through the snow on the porch (unwilling and sweaty, but better than the alternative).

    I don’t feel old, though. I feel pretty out of shape, sure, but that’s more my lack of consistent exercise than my age. I […]

    By |February 25th, 2018|growing up, Just me|Comments (3)

    Puppy Parade

    I don’t really talk to them. I mean, when they come back in the house after a potty break, I tell them how sweet they are. My pups. But that’s it.

    For a few weeks after school started this past fall, and all of the kids left for eight hours every […]

    By |March 29th, 2017|Just me|Comments (1)

    What’s Happenin’.

    It’s spring break here, on this first day of spring, and the weather is gorgeous. For most of the last several spring breaks, I’ve been traveling to conferences or trips, so the kids and I haven’t had a good ol’ fashioned, lazy, sunny, relaxed spring break in a while. I’m […]

    By |March 20th, 2017|Just me|Comments Off on What’s Happenin’.

    My Story (Right Now)

    The following is what I read in the Listen To Your Mother: KC show last weekend. It’s become an out of body experience, like my brain and body are at odds with each other….my brain is telling me it’s no big deal, I can pick up the toy, while […]

    By |May 7th, 2016|Just me|Comments (2)

    Here We Go, 2016.

    I have some goals for 2016, and while some of them aren’t earth-shattering, work every day towards them or it won’t happen goals, I always think it helps me to write them down. One, for accountability…I don’t like letting people down (though obviously I do, sometimes), and two, so I […]

    By |January 6th, 2016|Just me|Comments (6)


    It’s November 23. I’ve published 22 blog posts this month and I didn’t so much feel like doing one today. So here’s a (very short) video!

    Mwah. Happy Monday, y’all.

    By |November 23rd, 2015|Just me|Comments (5)

      After Salon Shameless Selfies

      I got my haircut yesterday and got a lot cut off. But I love it!

      I don’t love that my stylist for at least three years is leaving the salon to go to school. A good stylist is hard to find! I know you get me. (I’m happy for her […]

      By |November 8th, 2015|Just me|Comments (9)

      Evolving comfort zones

      I’m as comfortable saying I read 13 books in January as I am saying I read 3 books in 2011 (that’s just an estimate of 2011).

      I’m comfortable with my evolving style and getting in front of the camera.

      As long as my pants fit, I’m comfortable now as I was 15 […]

      By |February 9th, 2015|Just me|Comments (11)

      What’s Up, Yo.

      I’m eating my breakfast now, the breakfast that I forced myself to finish cooking before I sat down to write this. I’ve had a super annoying habit lately of burning my food when I get even the slightest bit distracted, so while I cooked it, I thought of all of […]

      By |February 6th, 2015|Just me|Comments (9)

      A Look Back Over My Shoulder at 2014

      Ah, 2014. I think it was a good year. It was often uneventful, but challenging. I had some failures, and some accomplishments, and hopefully, they balanced each other out. 2014 was the year I sent another kid off to school all day, every day, when Essie went to kindergarten, and […]

      By |January 2nd, 2015|Just me|Comments (12)