New Jewelry, New Car

I was right about yesterday…it was exhausting! Henry has to go back to school today, after THREE snow days IN A ROW. I’m not excited about waiting for the bus, at all, but I’m excited to get him out of the house. :)We had a busy day yesterday. E. Belle […]

By |January 13th, 2011|jewelry|Comments (0)

Giveaway Winner!

Thank you again to all of my followers! I used and my official list of followers to determine the winner, and the winner of the giveaway and the Limited-Edition necklace is…..#7 Sara !!Sara, your necklace will be in the mail! Congratulations!

By |November 28th, 2010|giveaway, jewelry|Comments (3)

Thanksgiving Giveaway!

Happy Thanksgiving! I’m so thankful for my business and my followers, so today is the BIG DAY! I’m giving away another limited-edition necklace!! This giveaway is only for my followers, but you can still sign up to follow until I close the giveaway! And if for some reason you can’t […]

By |November 25th, 2010|giveaway, jewelry|Comments (4)

Baby Loves Food

First off, if you haven’t entered my giveaway, go here and do it now. Nothing to lose, a necklace to gain. What are you waiting for?!Oh, and one clarification from my Father’s Day post: one friend came out and asked me about T.’s gift, so I imagine a couple more […]

By |July 2nd, 2010|food, giveaway, jewelry|Comments (2)