Celebrating a Special Dad with #KCSteaks

Read on and you’ll find a coupon code AND giveaway…

So, my husband is hard to buy for (if you continue to read this, babe, just act surprised on the 19th). If he wants something, he buys it. If you ask him for ideas, he doesn’t have any,

I’m not alone in […]

By |June 7th, 2016|giveaway, holidays|Comments (8)

Carols by Candlelight

We don’t make it to church often enough, for various reasons, but every year on Christmas Eve, we go to one of the four services.

Every year, we load up the kids, eat dinner somewhere, and find a spot in the packed church. We pass the unlit candles down the pews […]

By |December 6th, 2012|Christmas, holidays, memories, sponsored post|Comments (19)

Vacation From The Holidays #MondayListicles

Stasha over at The Good Life is hosting her Monday Listicles again, and the topic this week is “What Makes A Perfect Vacation” (chosen by Staying Afloat!).This list is kind of perfect, timing-wise, because in lieu of a big Thanksgiving celebration next week, my immediate family is taking a trip […]

By |November 14th, 2011|holidays, Thanksgiving, vacation|Comments (0)