Shorning and Mourning #iPPP

Welcome back to #iPPP! Mama Mash and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. Link up below!

My baby (FINE, TODDLER.) had the most luxurious, wavy, swoopy hair. You may have seen some of the pictures I’ve taken lately:


But it was […]

By |September 18th, 2012|#ippp, Ervin, growing up, hair cut, motherhood, motherhood is hard|Comments (24)

He’s a Big Boy Now!

I finally did it. I cut my boy’s hair.My husband and mother have been threatening to do it themselves for at least a couple of weeks, but didn’t follow through (thank goodness).I just needed to do it on my own time. He is my baby, after all.This is what he […]

By |September 19th, 2011|Ervin, hair cut|Comments (0)