5 Tricks to Help Get Your Stories on Paper

I’m pleased to have Katie Clemons here today, blogger at Making This Home  and owner of the Gadanke shop. I’ve talked about Katie’s Gadanke journals before, and had the pleasure of meeting her at Blissdom last year. Her journals and accessories are whimsical, interesting, beautiful….SPECIAL. 

Thank you, Katie, for sharing with […]

By |January 30th, 2014|guest post|Comments (12)

I’m a Proud Mommy.

When Kir of The Kir Corner asked me to share a Proud Mommy Moment, I couldn’t say no. And it wasn’t just because Kir is so very kind, supportive and nurturing as a blogger and friend. I also get the chance to brag on my two oldest a little (I […]

By |October 25th, 2012|guest post, school|Comments Off on I’m a Proud Mommy.

Great Expectations: Kerstin Auer

Do y’all know Kerstin Auer? She’s a regular #iPPP linker, supportive blogger, and all around fun gal.

She writes at Auer Life, is a German-born Canadian, published author, and proud mama of two, and is a regular tweeter.

Say hello to Kerstin!

I did not expect for time to fly by like it […]

By |July 30th, 2012|Great Expectations, guest post|Comments (7)

Great Expectations: Lilahbility

Amanda writes at Lilahbility, about motherhood and her gorgeous daughter. But. BUT! Child number two is due any day now! That makes my done-having-kids self giddy. I can’t WAIT to hear all about the newest precious bundle of newborn-ness. But for now, I’m enjoying a trip down memory lane with […]

By |July 23rd, 2012|Great Expectations, guest post|Comments (14)

Great Expectations: The Crowded Nest

Shannon is a fellow mother of four who has a background in adult education (and isn’t afraid to use it). Her son has Asperger’s, and she’s outspoken and frank about her views on autism and vaccines. She’s got the oh-so-straightforward and hilarious view on What To Expect When You’re Expecting that […]

By |July 16th, 2012|Great Expectations, guest post|Comments (5)

Things *I* Can’t Say

We had a really fun Fourth of July, helping Mama Mash celebrate her Monkey’s 2nd birthday and watching the fireworks from Worlds of Fun. Here are some of my favorite pictures (of my own kids, at least).


Speaking of friends, I am thrilled beyond words to be featured over on Things […]

By |July 6th, 2012|friendship, guest post|Comments (15)

Great Expectations: Reedster Speaks

I met Cindy (whom I refer to in my head only as “Reedster”) at Blissdom in February. We were both newbies, and well, maybe a little lost. Or at least, I was. We managed to hang out a little bit, at a couple of the parties, but not enough. Isn’t […]

By |April 23rd, 2012|adoption, Great Expectations, infertility, Uncategorized|Comments (33)

Great Expectations: Angela of Tread Softly

Angela Amman is a beautiful writer and storyteller. She’s also an avid (and impressive) runner and mother of two. I was lucky enough to meet Angela at Blissdom and get to know her a little bit. I was pleasantly surprised that she didn’t tower over me like a lot of […]

By |April 16th, 2012|Great Expectations, guest post, Tread Softly|Comments (1)

Big Adventures (of the Traveling and Eating Kind)

Right this very minute, I’m in the Nashville airport, about to head over to the Opryland hotel for Blissdom, my VERY FIRST blogging conference. Eek!! I can tell you that I’m a bundle of nerves right now!I’m also totally preoccupied with the whole gluten thing. Bright and early Monday morning […]

By |February 23rd, 2012|gluten free, gluten free, guest post, momables|Comments Off on Big Adventures (of the Traveling and Eating Kind)

Introducing Great Expectations: Chosen Chaos

I’m SO excited to begin a brand new adventure on my little space here in the blogosphere and share it with all of you!ex·pec·ta·tionThe act or state of expecting: AnticipationSomething expectedThe state of being expectedex·pectto anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence ofto look forwardEvery Tuesday, I will […]

By |January 31st, 2012|Great Expectations, guest post|Comments (1)