Sparkle the Day Away

    I’ll be 38 later this year, pushing 40 like I’ve pushed the shovel through the snow on the porch (unwilling and sweaty, but better than the alternative).

    I don’t feel old, though. I feel pretty out of shape, sure, but that’s more my lack of consistent exercise than my age. I […]

    By |February 25th, 2018|growing up, Just me|Comments (3)

    Shorning and Mourning #iPPP

    Welcome back to #iPPP! Mama Mash and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. Link up below!

    My baby (FINE, TODDLER.) had the most luxurious, wavy, swoopy hair. You may have seen some of the pictures I’ve taken lately:


    But it was […]

    By |September 18th, 2012|#ippp, Ervin, growing up, hair cut, motherhood, motherhood is hard|Comments (24)

    What A Difference A Year Makes.

    Just ten short months ago, I was dragging my then-five year old into the school. He didn’t want to go, and he certainly didn’t want me to leave him there.

    Wednesday morning, I dropped him off for the last day of kindergarten. He was infinitely more confident, only needing his kiss […]

    By |May 24th, 2012|first day, growing up, Henry, ivy, kindergarten, preschool|Comments (6)

    Project 365: Week 20

    I decided this week that since I’m starting to get a little more comfortable using my camera in manual mode, but still need lots and lots of practice, I was going to make a point to get it out every day and use it. And I have. So, while I […]

    By |May 19th, 2012|growing up, ivy, preschool, project 365, Uncategorized|Comments (12)

    Project 365: Week 16

    Hi! It’s been an exciting week here. I’m starting to get settled in to my new home here at, and appreciate all of the support you’ve shown me already!

    April 15

    Henry had some Easter money burning a hole in his pocket, so he and I (and Ervin) went on a […]

    In Between

    “Mama, can I sleep with you?”As my six and a half year old drifts off to sleep next to me, I can’t help but stare at that thick, brown, little boy hair and think about how he’s really not so little anymore.He still wants to sneak in my room on […]

    By |April 18th, 2012|growing up, Henry, memories captured|Comments (0)

    11 Months

    That’s hard to write. In less than a month, our (quite possibly last) baby will be a year old. It’s making me all kinds of emotional. Ervin is standing on his own now, cruising all over the furniture, and (much to my chagrin) taking one or two steps here and […]

    By |March 7th, 2012|Ervin, growing up, milestones, milestones, motherhood|Comments Off on 11 Months

    Putting On My Face.

    I’m generally not a very “fun” mom….I don’t run around being goofy very often, or start spontaneous water balloon fights.But occasionally, I let loose a little.Ivy is four and a half, and right now, she wants to be just like me. She sits with me as I get ready to […]

    By |January 10th, 2012|growing up, ivy|Comments Off on Putting On My Face.

    Costume Change

    Don’t I look handsome? Everybody’s going to love my style.He tells me this and asks me to take his picture with the pumpkin.He’s got his ‘fancy shirt with the long arm sleeves’ on today, and it makes him so proud to get all dressed up for school.He doesn’t argue too […]

    By |October 26th, 2011|growing up, Henry|Comments Off on Costume Change

    Siblings and the Big Boy Chair #iPPP

    My baby is still growing up. Didn’t I tell him to stop it?!Now, instead of rolling around on the floor or sitting in his bouncy chair while we eat supper, he sits in his big boy chair with us.And stares at us while we eat our food. And blows his […]

    By |October 25th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, growing up, milestones|Comments Off on Siblings and the Big Boy Chair #iPPP