Memorial Day (Mini) Road Trippin’

I’ve said it before (many times)….my kids get car sick. On any given trip, at least one will throw up. My oldest has grown out of most of it, but he still occasionally blows chunks. The two year old? It’s a regular occurrence for her.

I’ve found that one hour seems […]

By |May 30th, 2012|gluten free, review, summer, Summer Bucket List, travel|Comments (25)

Gluten Free Friday: Italian Shrimp Soup

So, I was trying to jump start my weight loss a little, as I’d hit quite the plateau since our household went gluten free (I am SO CLOSE to my 40 lb goal, y’all), so I tried the Digest Diet. It was pretty restrictive, and I’m not so good with restrictive […]

By |May 18th, 2012|gluten free, Uncategorized, weight loss|Comments (5)

Project 365: Week 16

Hi! It’s been an exciting week here. I’m starting to get settled in to my new home here at, and appreciate all of the support you’ve shown me already!

April 15

Henry had some Easter money burning a hole in his pocket, so he and I (and Ervin) went on a […]

Adventurous Vegetable Eating

This post is sponsored by Country Crock. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own. //″>
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You know that we’ve been eating gluten free in this house since Essie’s diagnosis (which in […]

By |April 15th, 2012|gluten free, gluten free, recipe, sponsored post, veggies|Comments (1)

Gluten Free Friday: Kid Favorites Edition

I’ve made a few Pinterest-inspired recipes recently, and two in particular were hugely popular with my family. So, I thought I’d share. They’re both super easy and require very few ingredients. The first I made a couple of days ago. I didn’t take a picture of the finished product because […]

By |April 12th, 2012|gluten free, gluten free, kid-friendly, recipe|Comments (1)

Our New Normal

Everyone said that it would get easier, that it would become our “new normal”. And it has.Started to, at least.I spent a weekend making freezer meals, a morning baking.I’ve made enough meals now that I’m learning what works, and what doesn’t.We’ve taken her out to restaurants and other peoples’ homes, […]

By |April 4th, 2012|Essie, gluten free, gluten free|Comments (3)

Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Party

Thank goodness it’s Friday! For real, yo. It’s been a long week. I’ve been single-parenting it while T. works out of town since Sunday. It was also the first week back to school since Spring Break, and the first week that the kids have had to go to bed when […]

By |March 29th, 2012|gluten free, milestones|Comments (2)

The Weight Of It All

I’m linking up with Shell for the first time this week. I’ve talked a lot about Essie’s Celiac diagnosis (if you’re sick of hearing about it…sorry.) but I haven’t really talked about how I’m feeling about it.Our Essie will be three in July. The day I got the call that […]

Gluten Free Friday: Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that learning how to cook completely gluten free is a huge adjustment. Since we learned that our two year old, Essie, has celiac disease, I decided to make the change to a gluten free diet a household one, and have been reading books, talking […]

By |March 8th, 2012|Essie, gluten free, gluten free, recipe|Comments (2)

Project 365, Week 9

This has been another crazy week. We’ve moved fully into the Gluten-Free Diet in our household (I think it probably deserves to be capitalized, as it is quite a beast of a change), I’m getting back into the routine here after several days of Bliss in Nashville, and the baby has been […]

By |March 3rd, 2012|Ervin, Essie, gluten free, gluten free, Henry, ivy, project 365|Comments Off on Project 365, Week 9