Truths About the Gluten-Free Diet

To say that going from a regular ol’ family of six to getting one of the kids diagnosed with celiac disease and overhauling our entire family diet, to learning another child is gluten intolerant, and realizing I am, too, was an adjustment is a bit of an understatement.

EVERYTHING involving our […]

By |November 6th, 2015|gluten free|Comments (8)

Gluten Free Friday: Delectable Dipping Sauces

Normally, when we eat dippable foods, our family sticks to the basics: barbecue sauce, ranch dressing, ketchup, and mustard (or, the last two mixed together for some of us). But I was inspired by Foster Farms (remember, the makers of our very favorite gluten free corn dogs??) Honestly, though, […]

By |October 2nd, 2015|gluten free|Comments (2)

We Survived Back to School!

We are a few weeks into school now, and just finishing up Erv’s second week of preschool. I’m not going to lie…it has kicked my butt. My part-time job is definitely the busiest when school starts up (because I work with the area high schools), and I’ve started a new […]

By |September 11th, 2015|gluten free, motherhood|Comments (5)

It’s Mango Time Featuring Cinco De Mango Quesadillas

I love mango. LOVE. IT. It’s the only fruit that five out of the six members of my family will eat. One of my favorite snacks is a bowl of frozen blueberries and mango chunks with just a little dollop of whipped cream or Greek yogurt on top. It’s delicious, […]

By |March 2nd, 2015|gluten free|Comments (4)

I Hate Thanksgiving.

Okay, I don’t hate all of Thanksgiving. I hate what Thanksgiving has become for me. I love talking about what I’m thankful for, I love hearing my kids talk about what they’re thankful for. I love that Thanksgiving day has become the day we stay home and decorate for […]

By |November 26th, 2014|gluten free, motherhood|Comments (5)

Project 365: Week 35

Labor Day threw a wrench in my posting on time streak of…one week. Aug. 24 We had a pretty lazy day a couple of Sundays ago. Apparently, Louise and I were waiting on Erv to finish his hour-long breakfast. Aug. 25 Falling asleep on the ten minute drive home […]

By |September 7th, 2014|gluten free, project 365|Comments (2)

Gluten Free Donut Mini Muffins

I mentioned before that I try to reduce the sugar in the sweets and meals that we eat. When I get a craving for something sweet, I hope there’s fruit in the fridge…otherwise, I tend to grab whatever leftover cake or whatever is in the fridge at the moment. I’m […]

By |March 6th, 2014|gluten free|Comments (4)

Gluten Free Friday: Making Your Own Squeezer Pouch Snacks #Giveaway

My daughter, the one with Celiac Disease, is a snacking fool. She finishes her lunch every day and immediately asks for a snack. Her favorite thing is yogurt, but she also loves fruit snacks, cheese sticks, snack mix made with Chex cereal, things like that. We go through boxes of […]

By |October 3rd, 2013|giveaway, gluten free|Comments (27)

Gluten Free Friday: Sweet Potato Beef Hash

With the new school year started, and evenings becoming more hectic with homework and baths and getting the kids to bed really early, I’ve been looking for new dinner ideas that are healthy and easy and not one of the five dinners that I’ve been rotating for the last six […]

By |August 22nd, 2013|gluten free|Comments (28)

Gluten Free Friday: School Lunch Edition

I am not a morning person, at all. But, on weekdays, I set my alarm for 6:15 am so I can get up and make the kids breakfast before waking them up at 6:30 and leaving for school an hour later. It takes them at least 20 minutes to eat […]

By |August 15th, 2013|gluten free|Comments (13)