Cookie Decorating #pinterestchallenge

A couple of weeks ago, I went to my first ever blogger event at Sweet! Baking Supply (717 Massachuetts, Lawrence, KS).Seriously, you guys. If you live in the area and even just LIKE to go in the kitchen, you have to check it out. Just like the website, the store is […]

By |November 19th, 2011|food|Comments (0)

Birthday Treats! #pinterestchallenge

Since the past few days have been all about birthdays, I’ll continue in that vein for my weekly take on Julie’s 52 Weeks of Pinterest Challenge!(If you haven’t been following along, we’re doing a project/cooking a recipe/visiting a place/etc that we have pinned on, a HIGHLY addictive virtual bulletin […]

By |October 17th, 2011|birthday, food, Henry|Comments Off on Birthday Treats! #pinterestchallenge

Exciting News!

You guys, I’m so excited to share some news with you.I’ve been a MOMables™ subscriber since Henry started kindergarten and I wanted to make him lunches but didn’t know what to make. I heard about this new website that laid out sack lunch menus for you every week and have loved […]

By |October 6th, 2011|food, momables|Comments Off on Exciting News!

Pizza Cups #PinterestChallenge

I’m linking up with this week’s 52 Weeks of Pinterest Challenge, and I’ve got another recipe. There were a couple of crafts I wanted to try, but I didn’t have what I needed so I’ll have to put those on hold.One thing I love about, though, is the sheer […]

By |September 29th, 2011|food|Comments (0)

Hootenanny, hogwash! #pinterestchallenge

I know the title is nonsense, but whatever. What the nonsense, I say.Anyway. I’m linking up with Julie at Dutch Being Me for the second week of her 52 Weeks of Pinterest Challenge. Did anybody make the meatloaf cupcakes? I know T.’s parents did, and enjoyed them! I got some […]

By |September 15th, 2011|food, link-up|Comments Off on Hootenanny, hogwash! #pinterestchallenge

Meatloaf Cupcakes?! Yes, Please! #pinterestchallenge

Julie at came up with a fantastic idea…a link-up called “52 Weeks of Pinterest Challenge”, where bloggers can do/cook/visit things they find on Pinterest.Never heard of Pinterest?Pinterest is kind of like a virtual bulletin board. You can “pin” things to different boards (I have categories like “Yummy Deliciousness” and […]

By |September 10th, 2011|food|Comments (1)

Give Peas A Chance

Big Erv turns five months old on Wednesday, and since he gobbled up the vanilla ice cream that his grandma gave him at a birthday party recently, and because diaper changes were starting to get a touch boring around here (HA!), I thought it was time for him to try […]

By |August 22nd, 2011|Ervin, food, milestones|Comments Off on Give Peas A Chance

Baby Loves Food

First off, if you haven’t entered my giveaway, go here and do it now. Nothing to lose, a necklace to gain. What are you waiting for?!Oh, and one clarification from my Father’s Day post: one friend came out and asked me about T.’s gift, so I imagine a couple more […]

By |July 2nd, 2010|food, giveaway, jewelry|Comments (2)