What A Difference A Year Makes.

Just ten short months ago, I was dragging my then-five year old into the school. He didn’t want to go, and he certainly didn’t want me to leave him there.

Wednesday morning, I dropped him off for the last day of kindergarten. He was infinitely more confident, only needing his kiss […]

By |May 24th, 2012|first day, growing up, Henry, ivy, kindergarten, preschool|Comments (6)

Being A Mama Is Hard.

I just left my first born at school, for his first day of kindergarten. And boy, did it break my heart!

At this point, he was still excited…

Isn’t he handsome??

But then, panic sets in.

I waited with him as long as I could, him clinging to me the whole time.

But he eventually […]

By |August 17th, 2011|first day, Henry, kindergarten, motherhood is hard|Comments (2)

Oy to the Mama.

It’s been quite a day.First, Essie saw an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor about her tongue tie. The doctor said the skin thingy under her tongue is definitely longer than average, and we decided that even if it wasn’t certain that it would affect her speech or anything later on, […]

By |August 16th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, first day, Henry, ivy, school|Comments Off on Oy to the Mama.