Autumn Eye Candy

Before I show pictures of our morning at the pumpkin patch, I want to let you know about some other pumpkin stuff…I’m featured over on MOMables™   again, this time sharing my pumpkin chili recipe!The air was crisp and cool this morning, as we ventured out on an autumn “field trip”. The […]

By |October 21st, 2011|Ervin, Essie, fall is coming, Halloween, Henry, ivy|Comments Off on Autumn Eye Candy

Birthday Goofiness #iPPP

Friday was Henry’s 6th birthday, and we went to the local pizza place for dinner. My parents came along, and brought a Halloween sack full of Dollar Store Halloween goodies.They were a hit.Especially these glasses…Me and my camera were MUCH too slow to capture the glasses on Erv.Henry and his […]

By |October 19th, 2011|birthday, Ervin, fall is coming, Halloween, Henry, ivy|Comments (0)

Dear Henry,

Today, you’re six.Another year has come and gone, much too fast. But you’re the oldest of FOUR (!) and we treat you as such. Sometimes you resent it, and sometimes you soak it up.You light up a room with your excitement and huge, friendly smile (and let’s not forget those […]

By |October 14th, 2011|birthday, fall is coming, Henry, kindergarten, milestones, Tyson|Comments Off on Dear Henry,

Halloween Button Pumpkin #pinterestchallenge

The first half of this week, I had the stomach flu. OnTuesday, I was stuck in the house, feeling like crap and bummed that I couldn’tgo have tea with Julie like we had planned.So…E. Belle and I did some crafts. We got out the ol’ hot glue gun and a […]

By |October 8th, 2011|fall is coming, Halloween|Comments (1)

Week In Review

***Before I tell you all about our week, don’t forget that tomorrow (Saturday) is the LAST day to enter my Mabel’s Labels Giveaway. Get on it, folks!***Well, because of Labor Day on Monday, this was a short week. But it felt very, very LONG.This is what went down:Monday was a […]

By |September 9th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, fall is coming, Henry, ivy|Comments Off on Week In Review

Labor Day Shenanigans 2011 (Part 2)

So, after we finished at the museum, we went to a place called Sports Center (also in Topeka), that has mini-golf, go-karts, batting cages, a driving range, and arcade-type stuff. We did the first three, and also had a pizza picnic in the breezy sunshine (did I mention the weather […]

By |September 8th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, fall is coming, Henry, ivy, Labor Day|Comments Off on Labor Day Shenanigans 2011 (Part 2)

Labor Day Shenanigans 2011 (Part 1)

Every year, my family does something for Labor Day. It’s been a tradition for the last, I don’t know…8 years or more. Ever since our family started growing and it became harder to get everybody together for the more “traditional” family holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas).This year, we went to the Mulvane […]

By |September 6th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, fall is coming, Henry, ivy, Labor Day|Comments Off on Labor Day Shenanigans 2011 (Part 1)