We Miss you.

Wednesday would have been my big brother’s 35th birthday. Our baby, Ervin, was born six weeks ago Thursday, which means that Luke died six weeks ago Friday.Ervin was born on March 24. It was a scheduled c-section, so we knew the date for a couple of months, and I had […]

By |May 3rd, 2011|Ervin|Comments Off on We Miss you.

One Month

Ervin turned one month old yesterday. WHAT?! How did a month fly by without me noticing? Yes, the days have been looonnng, but the month? SHORT.Since yes, this is *most likely* the last baby, I want to remember EVERYTHING. But I’m sleep-deprived (has anybody noticed? yeah, a little bit?). I […]

By |April 25th, 2011|Ervin|Comments Off on One Month

Quick Update on the Update

It’s late. And I’m sleepy (what’s new?). But I wanted to quickly update you on Ervin’s weight thing…(Disclaimer: I apologize, but this is another nursing-heavy post. It’s all-consuming right now. Proceed at your own risk. That is all.)After two days (Sunday to Tuesday) of just pumping and feeding him bottles […]

By |April 21st, 2011|Ervin|Comments (2)

Challenges (Update)

Sooooo. I took Ervin to get weighed again today. And again, he weighed 7 lbs 7 ounces. He hasn’t gained or lost any weight in…over a week? Week and a half? Anyway. That was disappointing. After all of the work the two of us have put in, we had nothing […]

By |April 17th, 2011|Ervin|Comments (1)


So…Ervin is three weeks and two days old now, and we’ve been to the doctor six times to get him weighed since we got home from the hospital. At only two of those appointments, he had actually gained weight. SIGH. Out of the four children, he’s been the easiest to […]

By |April 16th, 2011|Ervin|Comments (5)

Friday Featurette

I “met” Kate from Mommy Monologues on Twitter, and she was looking for bloggers to guest post on Fridays for her Friday Featurettes. I’ve been reading all kinds of blogs lately and thought that I would volunteer. I’m not sure what I was thinking, but it was fun! Anyway, I […]

By |April 14th, 2011|Ervin, guest post|Comments Off on Friday Featurette

I’m a Model

When I gave birth to big sisters Ivy and Essie, I stole my friend Stacy’s plan of action for the birth announcements. She had taken a picture of her second baby while they were still in the hospital, made the announcements on her laptop, and ordered them to be picked […]

By |April 9th, 2011|Ervin|Comments (3)

It’s the Little Things

So, we got home from the hospital with our fourth baby, Ervin, on Sunday (five days ago?). With my brother’s memorial service on Wednesday, T. didn’t go back to work until Thursday (two days ago). But, not only did he have to go back to work, but he had to […]

By |April 2nd, 2011|Ervin|Comments (2)