Busy Day

Before I tell you about our day (which feels REALLY long but isn’t nearly over), I wanted to let you know that I have another Cafe Mom blog post up! This is number two in a series of eight, and they’ll be posting on Tuesdays. If you’d check it out […]

By |August 9th, 2011|Ervin, motherhood|Comments Off on Busy Day

Wordless Wednesday: Birthday Girl

By |July 27th, 2011|birthday, Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy|Comments Off on Wordless Wednesday: Birthday Girl

Four Months!

My little man is four months old today. Seriously??What I learned today during his monthly photo shoot? I’ve shot myself in the foot with the two props. The horse? What was I thinking?! I should’ve picked a little, tiny teddy bear or something. Is it too late to change […]

By |July 24th, 2011|Ervin, milestones, milestones|Comments Off on Four Months!

Three Months!

Ervin turned three months old on Friday! Yes, I know it’s Monday. Whatever. I have four kids; it’s hard to do things in a timely manner these days.I’m excited that we’re having a photo shoot on Wednesday with April of aprilthoughts photography. But I just wanted a quick (almost on […]

By |June 27th, 2011|Ervin, milestones|Comments (0)

Road Trips Aren’t For Sissies.

The Mama Kat’s World Famous Writing Workshop prompt this week that I chose was sort of a cheat…”Share a memorable road trip story!”I have a memorable road trip story, that’s for sure. I still talk about it A LOT. It’s the reason my kids can’t be in the car for […]

By |June 9th, 2011|Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy, jewelry show, writing prompt|Comments (0)

Baby Smiles

A few days ago, Ervin started smiling!These pictures were taken in the dark, because of course he did it at about 11pm. I may have *possibly* stayed up another half an hour or so, just smiling at him so he’d smile back.T, like many husbands I think, can’t wait for […]

By |May 25th, 2011|Ervin|Comments (0)

Two Months!

My boy is two months old today. *sniffle*He had a doctor’s appointment this morning and he now weighs 9 lbs 11 oz! This is especially exciting because I’ve been exclusively nursing him for about a week and a half. I felt like it was going well this time around, but […]

By |May 24th, 2011|Ervin|Comments (0)

Birthday Fun

Yesterday, we took our first semi-long trip with Ervin. We celebrated T’s Grandma’s birthday in Hillsboro, a couple of hours away. Of course, I was a little nervous about it. Either we were going to get there really late because Ervin got hungry part way there and we would have […]

By |May 23rd, 2011|birthday, Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy|Comments (0)

8 Weeks

This boy: has me wrapped so tightly around his teensy weensy little fingers. I mean, come on. How can you resist this kissy face?Anybody who thinks a mom can’t love all her kids equally obviously hasn’t had more than one. I have four now and I love them all SO MUCH. […]

By |May 19th, 2011|Ervin|Comments (0)

Not The Good Kind

I’m in a funk. And not the good kind. I feel pretty weird saying that, since it’s my name and all, but I don’t know how else to say it. My poor kids have to deal with some major mood swings these days. I get pretty angry and irrational at […]

By |May 11th, 2011|Ervin|Comments (0)