Across the Sky and Down from Heaven

This weekend, the boy that made me a mom turns SEVEN.

In the last year, he has blossomed into a student.

He has expanded the reach of his imagination to the outer edges of the universe, and beyond.

He tells stories, and asks questions. He reads and reads and reads.

He is energetic, he […]

By |October 13th, 2012|milestones|Comments (6)

So It Begins.

Their eyes were big as we pulled into the parking lot. They grabbed their backpacks and held my hands tightly as we walked into the building.

“Can you stay with me?” Henry asks, as we make our way through the gym to the far side where the first graders sat, waiting.

“No, […]

By |August 16th, 2012|milestones, motherhood|Comments (43)


This weekend, we had a birthday party for the girls. We could have gone all Barbie like last year, or something equally girly and character-driven. But, I learned from the Hungry Caterpillar party that bright colors are so easy to coordinate and decorate with, so I convinced them a while […]

By |July 25th, 2012|milestones|Comments (19)

She is Five. #iPPP

Ivy Lu,

You are five. FIVE. How did that happen?!

You are my sweet, smart girl.

You are my very best model.

You are independent, and persistent.

You are resilient.

You are so very shy.

You are the kitty snuggler, and the bug lover.

You are maternal.

You are an amazing big sister.

You are my mini-me.

You are FIVE.

We love […]

By |July 24th, 2012|#ippp, milestones|Comments (30)

Project 365: Week 29

We had a co-birthday party for the girls this weekend, so yeah. I forgot about this post. But, now all of the kids are with grandma and grandpa for the week, and I’m watching reality tv instead of Bubble Guppies, drinking coffee with the laptop on my lap. Good a […]

By |July 23rd, 2012|milestones, project 365|Comments (8)


Today, she is three.

Three is blue eyes and blond hair.

Three is feisty, three is stubborn.

Three speaks only in full sentences.

Three wiggles her behind and bops her head to the music.

Three is joined at the hip to her sister.

Three is always a step behind.

Three is solid little legs and squishy little […]

By |July 15th, 2012|milestones|Comments (11)

Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Party

Thank goodness it’s Friday! For real, yo. It’s been a long week. I’ve been single-parenting it while T. works out of town since Sunday. It was also the first week back to school since Spring Break, and the first week that the kids have had to go to bed when […]

By |March 29th, 2012|gluten free, milestones|Comments (2)

Party On, Garth.

Yesterday, my baby turned one. I’m still exhausted from all of the preparing, cleaning, hosting, cleaning, and cleaning.But, I wanted to share some quick pictures.So, here’s a list of the best things about first birthdays.1. All of the sudden, people think you’re SO grown up that they let you do […]

By |March 25th, 2012|milestones|Comments Off on Party On, Garth.

Gluten Free Friday: Birthday Party Menu & Pumpkin Muffins

By now, y’all know we’re a gluten free household. Lord knows, you’re probably sick of hearing about it!But…it’s my life now, and this is my blog. Ha!You also know that my baby is turning one tomorrow (TOMORROW!). Put the two together, and you’ve got a party planning mama, cooking food […]

By |March 22nd, 2012|gluten free, milestones|Comments Off on Gluten Free Friday: Birthday Party Menu & Pumpkin Muffins

Where Did My Baby Go? #iPPP

My Boo Boo is turning one on Saturday.SIGH.I spent several days this last week cleaning out closets and packing up clothes to donate, and it got me all weepy to put those little bitty clothes away (from all of the kids). I also packed up my maternity clothes, but that’s […]

By |March 20th, 2012|#ippp, milestones|Comments (1)