Fart Jokes Are Good For The Soul.

One of my favorite people in the entire world is turning 29 on Tuesday. I made her a gift already, but I gave it to her super early because I couldn’t wait. And she told me I wasn’t allowed to buy her anything. SO. That leaves me with no other […]

By |May 19th, 2012|blogging|Comments (48)


HI!! I’m so glad you found me! I set up shop here, got myself a cup of coffee and hunkered down to paint my toenails, waiting for company.

This is my new blog-home. I’ve simplified with a fresh, new look and name, and want you to make yourself comfortable! (I’ve already […]

By |April 20th, 2012|blogging, Uncategorized|Comments (21)

A Couple Things

Hi there! My four year old is at kindergarten round-up as we speak (!!), so I’m just popping in for a sec to let you know that I have a couple of guest posts out in the interwebs.The first one, at Made More Beautiful, is my way of telling a […]

By |April 19th, 2012|blogging|Comments (0)

My Bliss.

I told you that I was at the Blissdom blogging and social media conference last week. I’m still try to wrap my head around everything I learned/saw/did while in Nashville, and getting back in gear here at home.But, I wanted to share some of my favorite things about the conference, […]

By |March 4th, 2012|blogging|Comments (3)

Project 365, Week 8

I know, I know. This is WAY late. But, I have an excuse (or two). I was in Nashville until yesterday afternoon, and I had to get up early and take E.B. to her endoscopy appointment. But, I did continue to take pictures!Feb. 19Sunday night I went with two of […]

By |February 27th, 2012|blogging, gluten free, project 365|Comments (1)

My Bags Are (Not) Packed, I’m (Not) Ready To Go. #iPPP

I am a WRECK. In approximately 22 hours (who’s counting?), I’ll be on a plane, by myself, heading to the gigantic Opryland hotel in Nashville for Blissdom, my very first blogging conference.Yesterday, I got the “print out your conference ticket!” email. This morning, I got the “check-in now for your […]

By |February 22nd, 2012|#ippp, blogging|Comments Off on My Bags Are (Not) Packed, I’m (Not) Ready To Go. #iPPP

You’re IT!

I started this post a couple of days ago, but my little netbook (the one I blog on) was giving me major headaches. It would randomly shut off and restart while I was in the middle of something. Over and over and over. I was sure it was some kind […]

By |February 9th, 2012|blogging|Comments Off on You’re IT!

All About Me (and a Few Short People).

I don’t know if you’ve noticed that button to the left that says “This is my first Bliss”?Well, it’s because I’m going to a blogging conference for the very first time next month! Blissdom is in Nashville and I’m pretty excited (and super nervous). Anyway, I hope to see some […]

By |January 19th, 2012|blogging|Comments Off on All About Me (and a Few Short People).

These Are A Few Of My Favorite…

November is the month that you see all of your Facebook friends listing what they’re thankful for, because Thanksgiving makes one automatically aware of the little (and big) things in your life with which you’ve been blessed.I used to read a lot. I had a dozen magazine subscriptions and had […]

By |November 7th, 2011|blogging|Comments (0)