How I Write

Angela of Jumping With My Fingers Crossed (who is co-hosting iPPP now, and you should go link up!) asked me if I’d like to share my writing process. (My writing process? What? Who writes? Not me anymore. Ahem.) She’s one of my very favorite people in the whole world, so […]

By |April 22nd, 2014|blogging|Comments (12)

On Facebook and Death.

Yesterday on Facebook, I saw a friend’s status update about someone that had passed away that day or the day before. She seemed shocked by the news, and curiosity got the better of me, so I clicked on the deceased person’s name and went to her wall.

It was a blogger […]

By |January 30th, 2014|blogging|Comments (33)

Blogs, Babies, Books #AskAwayFriday

This fun weekly link up is hosted by Penny of The Real Housewife Of Caroline Country and Amber from Bold Fab Mom. Bloggers pair up, swap 10 questions, answer them on their blogs, and link up their posts with Penny and Amber. Fun, right? And a great way to get to know another blogger.

I’m […]

By |January 23rd, 2014|blogging, motherhood|Comments (25)

My #JamberryChallenge

I have a good friend, Amanda of It’s Blogworthy, that has been a huge support of my Leukemia and Lymphoma Society fundraiser this fall, and is a Florida, full-time working mama to one boy and one girl (on the way). Anyway, she’s a rep for Jamberry nails, which I was […]

By |December 4th, 2013|blogging, review|Comments (12)

Welcome, SITS Girls!

Hello! If you’re stopping by from SITS Girls today, I want to say thanks for coming by, and welcome! I’m glad you’re here.

If this is your first time here at GFunkified, I hope you brought your sassy pants.

I’m a stay at home mom of four, and I live out in […]

By |November 8th, 2013|blogging|Comments (44)

Can You Name That Kindergartner?

Ah, kindergarten. My daughter is in kindergarten now, and I have fond memories of the time I was there, too.

I had my own very unique sense of style. My mom and brothers called me “the gypsy” because when I chose my clothes, I chose long dresses and skirts. The kind […]

By |March 10th, 2013|blogging, giveaway|Comments (32)

How Instagram Has Changed My Life #iPPP

Welcome to #iPPP! We want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. We are making a big change around here…Mama Mash will explain it all to you when […]

By |January 22nd, 2013|#ippp, blogging|Comments (54)

My Life In Numbers

32- the number of years I’ve been on this earth

1999- the year I graduated high school

2- the number of classes I dropped in college

0- the number of classes I failed in college

3- the number of colleges I attended (1 during high school, 1 undergrad, 1 graduate school)

2- the number of […]

By |November 11th, 2012|blogging, gluten free, widow|Comments (118)

Oh, To Be 18 Again.

My good friend Jamie from Chosen Chaos (whom I have yet to meet in real life but am HOPING to someday) had a series called “If I Could Turn Back Time.” in which she asked various bloggers this question:

If you had the oppor­tu­nity to sit down with your 18 year old […]

By |August 10th, 2012|blogging|Comments (15)

How DID We Meet?

We have been really busy crossing items off our Summer Bucket List the past week or so (that I’ll be telling you all about!). I encourage you to go ahead and sign your family up…I’m so excited that we have a list of things that we want to do this […]

By |May 24th, 2012|blogging|Comments (2)