Wordless Wednesday: Birthday Girl

By |July 27th, 2011|birthday, Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy|Comments Off on Wordless Wednesday: Birthday Girl

Dear Ivy,

Today, you turn four. FOUR YEARS OLD! How crazy is that? You’ve known for months, though, that you were three fingers old but would turn four fingers old on your next birthday. You’re growing up fast, young lady.You’re a miracle, you really are. If the timing had been off, just […]

By |July 25th, 2011|birthday, ivy|Comments Off on Dear Ivy,

A Few More Pictures

In the last post, I showed you some pictures from my nephew’s birthday party. Well, I have a few more…my brother and sister-in-law were down in the action while I was up in the balcony area feeding the baby, and got some good shots.Big Erv, charming his GrandpaEssie and her […]

By |June 6th, 2011|birthday, summer|Comments Off on A Few More Pictures

Summer birthdays

I love going to my niece’s and nephew’s birthday parties. And there’s no shortage of them, especially in the summer. Last night was my oldest nephew, Max’s 8th birthday party at the Lawrence Gymnastics center.The kids had so much fun! And it was so well organized…it seemed like we were […]

By |June 5th, 2011|birthday, summer|Comments (0)

Birthday Fun

Yesterday, we took our first semi-long trip with Ervin. We celebrated T’s Grandma’s birthday in Hillsboro, a couple of hours away. Of course, I was a little nervous about it. Either we were going to get there really late because Ervin got hungry part way there and we would have […]

By |May 23rd, 2011|birthday, Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy|Comments (0)

Donut Eyeballs and One Big Kid

Today is Henry’s Fifth Birthday! I can hardly believe he’s already such a big kid, going to preschool, writing letters, helping with his baby sister. He woke up in a GOOFY mood today, and insisted that we say to him “Happy birthday, Scarecrow Henry!”. He is having a Halloween birthday […]

By |October 14th, 2010|birthday|Comments Off on Donut Eyeballs and One Big Kid