One plus One plus Five plus Five.

    This handsome dude turns twelve today.

    This handsome dude is leading the way for the rest of them….navigating the brand new challenges of middle school, tweenhood, extra responsibilities.

    This handsome dude’s current obsession is Undertale (the musical). He lives and breathes it.

    He’s making animations on his phone and filling his personal YouTube […]

    By |October 14th, 2017|birthday|Comments (2)

    Six is Practically Out of the House.

    The no-longer-a-baby baby is six today. S.I.X.


    Our youngest is almost done with kindergarten. He’s starting to read. He’s got his own opinions about EVERYTHING. He fake cries a lot, and snuggles a lot. He hugs his big brother and tells him that he loves him in his sweetest little boy […]

    By |March 24th, 2017|birthday, Ervin|Comments Off on Six is Practically Out of the House.

    A Year in Review (Part 3)

    I’ve already covered the first half of 2011: the first part of the year was TOO exciting for me. Much, much too exciting. Thankfully, the next three months were low-key. July, August, and September were exciting again, but this time, in a GOOD WAY.In July,We celebrated the Fourth in a […]

    By |December 25th, 2011|birthday, Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy, Labor Day, school|Comments Off on A Year in Review (Part 3)

    Heat #iPPP

    His cries jerk me awake, and I’m startled. I bring him in close, but he doesn’t latch on.Throwing his body back, he wails and pushes away from me. I try my best to soothe him, keep him from waking everyone else, but he doesn’t calm down.I stand up, hugging him […]

    By |November 9th, 2011|birthday, Ervin, motherhood is hard, Tyson|Comments Off on Heat #iPPP

    Birthday Goofiness #iPPP

    Friday was Henry’s 6th birthday, and we went to the local pizza place for dinner. My parents came along, and brought a Halloween sack full of Dollar Store Halloween goodies.They were a hit.Especially these glasses…Me and my camera were MUCH too slow to capture the glasses on Erv.Henry and his […]

    By |October 19th, 2011|birthday, Ervin, fall is coming, Halloween, Henry, ivy|Comments (0)

    Birthday Treats! #pinterestchallenge

    Since the past few days have been all about birthdays, I’ll continue in that vein for my weekly take on Julie’s 52 Weeks of Pinterest Challenge!(If you haven’t been following along, we’re doing a project/cooking a recipe/visiting a place/etc that we have pinned on, a HIGHLY addictive virtual bulletin […]

    By |October 17th, 2011|birthday, food, Henry|Comments Off on Birthday Treats! #pinterestchallenge

    Dear Henry,

    Today, you’re six.Another year has come and gone, much too fast. But you’re the oldest of FOUR (!) and we treat you as such. Sometimes you resent it, and sometimes you soak it up.You light up a room with your excitement and huge, friendly smile (and let’s not forget those […]

    By |October 14th, 2011|birthday, fall is coming, Henry, kindergarten, milestones, Tyson|Comments Off on Dear Henry,

    Big Weekend #iPPP

    I told you yesterday that we had a big weekend around here.Well, the pictures from the party were on my real camera, but these are from my phone:Of course, I had to take a phone picture of the ship to post on facebook.The boys at the wedding. Aren’t they handsome?At […]

    By |October 12th, 2011|birthday, pirate ship, wedding|Comments Off on Big Weekend #iPPP

    Epic. Birthday. Party.

    This weekend was big.I saw my good friend from college get married on Friday and we spent the rest of it with family and friends in Arkansas.The big three kids had a BLAST. Here’s part of the reason:Do YOU know anybody else that has a PIRATE SHIP in their YARD?!How […]

    By |October 11th, 2011|birthday, Ervin, Essie, Henry, ivy, pirate ship, pirates|Comments (1)

    The Birthday Party (Part 1)

    Last Saturday, we celebrated our girls’ 2nd and 4th birthdays. It was SO hot. Not the kind of hot where you can sit and chat outside and be comfortable if you’re still, but the kind of hot where you sit and chat outside and sweat is running down your face. […]

    By |July 28th, 2011|birthday, Essie, ivy|Comments Off on The Birthday Party (Part 1)