About Greta

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So far Greta has created 1073 blog entries.


This weekend, we had a birthday party for the girls. We could have gone all Barbie like last year, or something equally girly and character-driven. But, I learned from the Hungry Caterpillar party that bright colors are so easy to coordinate and decorate with, so I convinced them a while […]

She is Five. #iPPP

Ivy Lu,

You are five. FIVE. How did that happen?!

You are my sweet, smart girl.

You are my very best model.

You are independent, and persistent.

You are resilient.

You are so very shy.

You are the kitty snuggler, and the bug lover.

You are maternal.

You are an amazing big sister.

You are my mini-me.

You are FIVE.

We love […]

Great Expectations: Lilahbility

Amanda writes at Lilahbility, about motherhood and her gorgeous daughter. But. BUT! Child number two is due any day now! That makes my done-having-kids self giddy. I can’t WAIT to hear all about the newest precious bundle of newborn-ness. But for now, I’m enjoying a trip down memory lane with […]

Project 365: Week 29

We had a co-birthday party for the girls this weekend, so yeah. I forgot about this post. But, now all of the kids are with grandma and grandpa for the week, and I’m watching reality tv instead of Bubble Guppies, drinking coffee with the laptop on my lap. Good a […]

Fewer Ants This Way. #TGIF

This summer has been so. stinking. hot. We started off strong, checking a lot of items off of our Summer Bucket List. Then things calmed down and heated up outside. Yeah, we’ve had bible school and swimming lessons, and a little trip here and there. But for the most part, […]

Aqua-Bored #iPPP

We are now 5/8 of the way through swimming lessons. I’m counting down the minutes until they’re done at 11:55am on Thursday.

The hours spent by the pool (not in the pool or near the pool, mind you, unless you want to get yelled at by the eagle-eyed lady that keeps […]

School Bags for Your Princess (Or Prince)

Do you have a little diva in school this year? I do, in kindergarten, so I’m excited to get her a one-of-a-kind book bag to carry that fits her little personality. And you can be sure no other little girl is going to have the same one!

Plum District has an […]

Great Expectations: The Crowded Nest

Shannon is a fellow mother of four who has a background in adult education (and isn’t afraid to use it). Her son has Asperger’s, and she’s outspoken and frank about her views on autism and vaccines. She’s got the oh-so-straightforward and hilarious view on What To Expect When You’re Expecting that […]


Today, she is three.

Three is blue eyes and blond hair.

Three is feisty, three is stubborn.

Three speaks only in full sentences.

Three wiggles her behind and bops her head to the music.

Three is joined at the hip to her sister.

Three is always a step behind.

Three is solid little legs and squishy little […]

Project 365: Week 28

We started swimming lessons this week. The last experience we had (two years ago) was terrible, and I decided to go to a different pool this time. It’s 30 minutes away, which isn’t that bad for where we live. But the big three are in lessons at separate times, and […]