About Greta

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So far Greta has created 1073 blog entries.

The Very Best Snuggles #iPPP

Welcome to #iPPP! Sarah at The Sunday Spill and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!

The day she told me she was pregnant, […]

Great Expectations: Back To Allen

When Lisa from Back to Allen agreed to do a Great Expectations post for me, it was before Listen To Your Mother was really on anybody’s radar. I just thought that Lisa was a great writer from the KC area, and after meeting her once, a lovely person that I would totally hang out with again (and again and again). But somehow, her post came the week after we were both chosen for the LTYM-KC show, which feels like an

Project 365 (Week 11)

Um…this week? Tried to kill me. It tried hard. But I fought back in my ball of stressed-ness, and made it through. Now, I have to think about leaving for Blissdom in a little over four days.

March 10

Sunday was uneventful….I may or may not have stayed in my pajamas for […]

Guesting, Guessing, and Listening. EEP!

I just have a couple of things to let you guys know about, so this’ll be quick. (I’m deep into the first week of the #Iheartomron Omron Fitness Running Challenge, and today was pretty killer. I’m EXHAUSTED, so as soon as I’m done with this? Straight. To. Bed.

First of all, […]

Progress #iPPP

Welcome to #iPPP! Sarah at The Sunday Spill and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!

I’ve run four of the thirteen 5Ks that […]

Great Expectations: The Sunday Spill

You already know my guest today as the co-host of #iPPP and the writer at the Sunday Spill. Sarah is a fellow mom of four little ones, and wears many, many hats (wife, mom, photographer, doula, waterbirth expert, childbirth educator, writer). She’s the very inspirational blogger behind the self-portait a day […]

Can You Name That Kindergartner?

Ah, kindergarten. My daughter is in kindergarten now, and I have fond memories of the time I was there, too.

I had my own very unique sense of style. My mom and brothers called me “the gypsy” because when I chose my clothes, I chose long dresses and skirts. The kind […]

Mamavation Update 3-10

I’ve had another good week on the fitness/health front! I was completely surprised that I was chosen (out of, like, 400 applicants) to be one of the Omron Running Challenge Ambassadors. Basically, I’ll be receiving an Omron Strapless Heart Rate Monitor and a training plan that will hopefully get me […]

Project 365 (Week 10)

I realized mid-way through this week that I had only taken one picture most days, and sometimes I’d gotten almost through the day before I took a picture. I blame it on the winter blahs. We haven’t really gone anywhere or done much of anything, and I haven’t had anything […]

Doing It Up Old School

What was I doing in 2008? Ummm….?

My friend Elaine at Miss Elaineous Life and Heather from Theta Mom are starting an Old School Blogging Link-Up (you know, like blogging a la 2008?). And you know, I’m stressed out right now, so I thought it’d be a fun, easy post to […]