About Greta

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So far Greta has created 1073 blog entries.

Project 365 (Week 32)

To say last week was a long week is an understatement. Hubs is still out of town for work (seven days and counting), and Monday-Friday, we had two people at our house putting in our new windows. Which are fantastic, and exciting, and I love them. But having strangers in […]

I’m Not Ready #iPPP

This week is the last week before school starts. The week when I get the crazy in my eyes, trying to get those kids back into a routine! Get some sleep! Wake up early! (all for me AND them) Label the supplies! Fill up the backpacks! Lay out the first […]

Great Expectations: Rubber Chicken Madness

Kim writes at Rubber Chicken Madness, and I knew the name of her blog long before I had the opportunity to meet the amazing woman behind it and looong before I found out that she lives close by, in Kansas City. Isn’t it funny how that works sometimes?

Kim is a […]

Project 365 (Week 31)

This has been a quiet, quiet week. For most of it, I was alone..the kids were with their grandparents and hubs was travelling for work. It was strange to be by myself for so long! It’s been pretty relaxing, but I was ready to pick up my noisy kids Sunday. […]

Sharing the Day. #iPPP

Welcome to #iPPP! Sarah at The Sunday Spill and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!

Last week, Ivy turned six years […]

Great Expectations: Alma Boheme

Alma writes at Alma Boheme, and she’s one of the most beautiful souls I’ve met in this crazy blogging world. She’s beautiful inside and out, and she creates beauty with her knitting. She’s the mom of two extraordinary children, the King and the Princess, and wife to the Captain (who’s extremely talented […]

Project 365 (Week 30)

I feel like we haven’t stopped traveling/moving/doing/packing/unpacking/preparing/celebrating all week. (No, we’re not moving into a new house or anything. I literally mean moving our bodies and packing/unpacking for trips to see grandparents) I’m tired, but this afternoon began a full week of being kid-less…we had to start it with a […]

Home, Sweet Toddler-Proof Home #iPPP

Welcome to #iPPP! Sarah at The Sunday Spill and I want to see your funny, your yummy, your heartfelt, your favorite phone photos of the week. All you need is a blog post containing at least one photo from any phone camera. Link up below!

I love this boy so much. […]

Great Expectations: Angie Kinghorn

Angie Kinghorn is a former lawyer-turned-writer/SAHM, married to a practicing lawyer, and mom to newly graduated twins, a boy and a girl. She writes about her battle with postpartum depression and is published in various anthologies. Angie is smart, witty, and tough as nails.

Today, Angie is talking about her love affair with […]

Project 365 (Week 29)

I took the kids out of state this week to visit their grandparents, so I’m writing this in a state of exhausted-from-hanging-out-with-the-two-year-old-away-from-the-safety-of-our-two-year-old-proof-home haze. July 14 Birthday party #1! It was a bouncy house co-birthday for the girls and my nephew. July 15 Essie’s birthday! She turned four, had swimming […]