About Greta

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So far Greta has created 1073 blog entries.

Through The Lens Thursday: Dream

As long as I’ve been driving, I’ve had hand-me-down cars, used cars, always close to ten year old cars.

But. Today, with the help of a car-dealership-working father in law and because of the slow demise of the family-car-that-seats-all-six-and-all-of-our-stuff, we upgraded. Today, for the first time ever, we bought a car […]

Through the Lens Thursday: 3 Things

These three. These pictures sum up their relationships nicely, I think.

Through The Lens Thursday is meant for self-improvement, so please….constructive criticism is welcome!

Through The Lens Thursday is a self-improvement photography project that Alison of Writing, Wishing and I are doing this year.

Don’t forget to join our Flickr group or […]

Project 365: Week 17

April 20 Easter Sunday. The kids saw a bunny in the yard, asked me to take a picture of it, and then saw pictures on my phone of their Easter baskets (which were still waiting downstairs for them). We went to a dinner and egg hunt at my brother’s […]

Project 365: Week 16

I’m getting really bad at this “timely post” thing. April 13 Wearing my awesome new Coffee Break shirt from bloggingconcentrated.com (and getting ready for a LTYM reunion lunch). April 14 I was still low from missing the half, I guess, and the hubs left to go out of town […]

Save Big on Attractions, Sporting Events, Concerts with ScoreBig

You know my son is obsessed with Lego (Legos? LEGO?). He’s been to Legoland in Kansas City twice now, and asks to go again as often as possible.

You also know that we have four kids and going to places like Legoland is…erm….PRICEY.

BUT. We’re going again. Soon. Know why? Because I […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Water

The Easter bunny brought rain boots for my kids on Sunday, and three of them have worn them every day since. And then today, it actually rained.

These pictures were taken Sunday evening…it was cloudy and I had such a hard time getting the settings right. But, I think I did […]

How I Write

Angela of Jumping With My Fingers Crossed (who is co-hosting iPPP now, and you should go link up!) asked me if I’d like to share my writing process. (My writing process? What? Who writes? Not me anymore. Ahem.) She’s one of my very favorite people in the whole world, so […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Together

Or, as they toddler says “too-gedduh”.

I made some gluten free popcorn party mix for the girls’ Easter parties at school tomorrow. (It’s super easy, but if you want the recipe, check it out on Today’s Work At Home Mom…and feel free to take a look around while you’re there).

Food photography […]

Project 365: Week 15

Well, shoot. I haven’t been able to publish this on time in several weeks, have I? I’m sure there’s a reason for that? Anyway, once again, if you’re looking for #iPPP (which you should be linking up to, you guys), head over to Angela Y’s or Angela A’s places. April […]

What NOT to do the week before a half marathon.

This Saturday morning*, I’ll be running my third half marathon, and the one for which I have a specific time goal in mind (before now, it’s been “to finish” and “to take pictures with Disney characters and then finish.”

I’ve been training almost nonstop for months. I’m ready for this race/really […]