About Greta

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So far Greta has created 1073 blog entries.

Too Early For The Orthodontist?

The oldest had his first orthodontist appointment this past week (other than the consultation a couple of weeks ago) for the first phase of his braces, the second this week, and his third (and last) next week. He’s only 8 (will be 9 in October) but his top front teeth […]

Project 365: Week 28

It was a busy week! The kids had swimming lessons every morning, plus a couple of birthday parties and other things thrown in. July 6 I got to meet a long-time bloggy friend, Tara, on Sunday. It was so nice chatting with her over coffee…we had a million things to […]

Summer Theater Series: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

I had a date last night. Don’t tell my husband, but he was pretty handsome. And sweet, and charming.

I took my oldest to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat at Starlight Theatre in Kansas City, the third in this summer’s Broadway series. The show runs through Sunday, July 13, and […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Eyes

I enjoyed this prompt. I only wish that my camera lens (a 30mm) would let me get just alittlebit closer to the baby blues that I snapped away at all week.

I have blue eyes (both of my parents do, too) and all four kids have them, too…although, the shades vary […]

How the 4th Looks with Little Kids

Our 4th is always verrrrrry TAME. We live in the country, so we can look across a field in every direction and see other people’s huge displays, and we can light 72 sparklers and 97 smoke balls in our own yard while we make s’mores and eat too many Bomb […]

Project 365: Week 27

Back from our road trip, and mostly recovered. June 29 I was not, however, recovered on Sunday. I think I even took a nap. But, I did not take a picture. June 30 It was cloudy, but that didn’t stop us from swimming (it even sprinkled on us some). But […]

Project 365: Week 26

Continuing on our road trip…. June 22 A day with my best AR girl friend (and no kids!) June 23 Then we hit the road again, leaving AR and heading to SE Texas. Once again, the kids wasted no time once we got there, and went fishing on […]

Project 365: Week 25

I’m so far behind, it’s ridiculous. Moving on. June 15 Father’s Day, and T was still out of town (because apparently, working on Father’s Day several hours from home is perfectly acceptable to a company. Ahem) So, video chat. June 16 Ivy took a picture of Skeeter, and we […]

Through the Lens Thursday: Mess

Ever since my oldest got a new loft bed to sleepon, and I spent several hours cleaning the room so they could build it, I’ve been pretty strict about trying to keep it clean (he shares it with his sisters). I’m not always successful, but it’s not a pig sty […]

Through The Lens Thursday: Imperfect

Sometimes a child’s imagination manifests itself in ways that adults just don’t understand.

Why would you play in a sprinkler, but block the water with an umbrella?

Does that make any sense?

To me, it’s an imperfect execution of water play. To them, it’s a whole lotta fun.

Ah, summer. I heart you.

Through The […]